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Donald Trump warns of 'major, major conflict' with North Korea

The Guardian said:
“There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely,” Trump told Reuters.

“We’d love to solve things diplomatically but it’s very difficult,” the president added.

If the thing that is standing in the way of a diplomatic solution is that Twimp considers it to be difficult, then I am quite concerned right now...
^^^And not without good reason...


Um... yikes. I was listening to the radio this past week and Trump mentioned in an interview that he hadn't known how hard being President would be.

I'm just hoping this quote would be less scary if it was presented in context. If I weren't laughing I'd probably have to scream.
So former president Obama gives a speech and asks for a $40,000 fee. The internet is upset. Why? Am I the only one who's not outraged over this?

First of all, he has the right to be paid whatever he asks for. After putting up with so much awfulness for the past eight years and doing a great but thankless job in spite of everything, I believe he's earned it.

Second of all, knowing what a man of integrity and honesty he is, I believe at least some of that fee, and possibly all of it, will be donated to charity, because that's the kind of person he is.

Third of all, the hypocrisy is staggering. People who voted for Donald Trump love him because he's (allegedly) so rich, but Barack Obama, who has legitimately earned every penny he made and didn't inherit any of it from his father (the money he made from the first two books he wrote allowed him and Michelle to pay off their college loans), isn't allowed to make money and have a lot of it for some reason. Maybe because he's a liberal Democrat he's not allowed to be rich? Only Republicans are allowed to be rich?
I have qualms about Obama accepting such huge fees. Just like Bill Maher, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

Maher on Obama speaking fee: Isn’t that what cost Clinton the election?

And Amy, the figure I'm seeing is not $40,000 but $400,000--perhaps repeatedly.

So? He's not going to be holding elected office, or any government job, again. It's not as though they can "buy" him to implement governmental policies favorable to them.

If a Wall Street firm, or anyone else, wants to give Obama $400,000 to make a speech to them, that's $400,000 they won't be paying into the coffers of someone who might vote in their favor on a legislative issue. Hell, if they want to pay me to make a speech to them, I'd happily take their money. They'd get about as much return from me as from Obama, except that I'm a lousy speaker, and he's a great one.
So? He's not going to be holding elected office, or any government job, again. It's not as though they can "buy" him to implement governmental policies favorable to them.

I don't know that he won't be holding elective office again. Where did you get that "information"? Your crystal ball?

I believe Obama will still have plenty of influence if he wishes to use it whether or not he is in office.
I don't have a problem with people making money from speaking engagements. The Clinton's did it and used the money to pay off massive debts instead of claiming bankruptcy like der fuhrer.

Why isn't anyone complaining about the huge speaking fees trump got?

I'm glad it was $400,000, I thought $40,000 was way too low.
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I don't know that he won't be holding elective office again. Where did you get that "information"? Your crystal ball?

As with so many things, time will tell. When you hear that little voice in twenty years saying "I told you so", it'll be mine.

I believe Obama will still have plenty of influence if he wishes to use it whether or not he is in office.

Sure, but it won't be executive, legislative, judicial or regulatory, which are the only ones that matter in terms of what Wall Street is interested in.
I've got hopes that Obama will end up on the Supreme Court one day. Is there any reason he would be ineligible?
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I've got hopes that Obama will end up on the Supreme Court one day. Is there any reason he would be ineligible?

No, he wouldn't be ineligible. But he would be a very polarizing, attention grabbing figure. Even if there was a vacancy during a period in which there was a Democratic POTUS, a strong Democratic majority in the Senate, and the POTUS were willing to share the limelight in a significant way, AND Obama were interested, I don't know that Michelle would be. She said recently that she would never entertain running for office because she would never put her family through that again.
In interview, Donald Trump asks, "Why was there the Civil War?"

The article said:
"He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said, 'There's no reason for this,'" Trump said of Jackson. "People don't realize, you know, the Civil War. If you think about it, why? People don't ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?"

There's an easy answer: slavery. At the time Civil War broke out, southern states were in the process of breaking from the Union over their desire to protect their right to own slaves.
^^^And not without good reason...


Um... yikes. I was listening to the radio this past week and Trump mentioned in an interview that he hadn't known how hard being President would be.

I'm just hoping this quote would be less scary if it was presented in context. If I weren't laughing I'd probably have to scream.
I heard this as well and could not believe he would admit that in public. He wants everything just handed to him so that he can achieve his version of success with very little effort/work. I'm still astonished he is in the White House.
This opinion piece is well worth reading:

For those who claim that Donald Trump has been pasteurized and homogenized by the presidency, his sour, 100th-day speech in Harrisburg, Pa., was inconvenient.... It was a speech with all the logic, elevation and public purpose of a stink bomb.

It is not sophisticated or worldly-wise to become inured to bigotry. The only thing more frightening than Trump’s speech — arguably the most hate-filled presidential communication in modern history — is the apathetic response of those who should know better.

The alternative to Trumpism is the democratic faith: that people, in the long run, will choose decency and progress over the pleasures of malice. The belief that they will choose the practice of kindness and courtesy. The conviction that God blesses the poor, the hungry, the weeping and the stranger. Faith in the power of the truthful word.

It is the job of responsible politics to prepare the way for new leaders, who believe that all of us are equal in dignity and tied together in a single destiny. But this can take place only if we refuse to normalize the language of hatred.

Opinion | Trump’s 100th-day speech may have been the most hate-filled in modern history
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