The Unpalatable Truth About Quinoa

Omnis seem to hold vegans to a higher standard for some reason. Like, they'll go on about how the cocoa for that vegan chocolate bar was probably harvested by orphans, and themselves continue eating chocolate that was most definitely harvested by orphans, but because you're a vegan you need to follow better rules, since you bother to follow rules at all. I'm not sure whether to be offended or flattered by the weird-pedestal thing.

Those people can kiss my quinoa-eating ***.
"My industry is bad? Well... your industries... they're sorta bad sometimes! What? You mean to say that I support the industries you support twice as much by eating meat? Well... you also still support them... and you try not to... so the fact that you do makes you BAD... right?"
I've been told that awful vegans are destroying the rain forests due to their consumption of soya before :rolleyes: when I went on to point out that most of that goes to feeding animals/in processed foods, suddenly the person cared a lot less about the rainforest.

People love to try to point out why vegans are ethically hypocrites. Whether it's because it makes them feel very clever, or very superior, or just that they feel challenged in some way by veganism I don't know. But I do know that it's never, ever, ever in my experience been because they have an ethical stance themselves that they feel strongly about.

This woman clearly has a huge chip on her shoulder about vegans. I wasn't inclined to take her seriously, but it was very interesting to read the second article from somebody who could point out where and why she was factually wrong. :) Thanks for sharing!