The unpopular or otherwise, question thread.

Dropkick, that's fine, tastes are different!

Yes, I also prefer "regular" beer.

But, on the other hand, say, if I opened my fridge at home, and there were only two bottles left, one a bottle of alcohol-free Franziskaner Hefeweizen and the other a bottle of regular, alcoholic, American Budweiser, well, that would be no decision at all for me :-)

Best regards,
Dropkick, that's fine, tastes are different!

Yes, I also prefer "regular" beer.

But, on the other hand, say, if I opened my fridge at home, and there were only two bottles left, one a bottle of alcohol-free Franziskaner Hefeweizen and the other a bottle of regular, alcoholic, American Budweiser, well, that would be no decision at all for me :)

Best regards,
I was talking about real beer not Budweiser
(what part of beer snob didn't you understand)
I don't feel bad about killing brain cells.
Why does everyone assume you're straight? ._.
Why does everyone assume you're straight? ._.

Danielle, now that is a great new "unpopular/otherwise" question ... what is the point about "straight edge"?

Like most of those who discuss here about beer, I like to drink a glass of beer, wine, cognac, single malt whiskey or cocktail now and then. So what is the point about going "Straight edge"?

I am well aware that there are lots of people who do have an alcohol problem (way more than have a "drug problem", as alcohol is socially acceptable and legal, while drugs are not). Luckily I am not one of those, and I am happy that I only drink alcohol now and then, but I do not really see the need to completely eschew alcohol (unless your religion forbids it for you, which is another issue).

I understand that for a recovering alcoholic, this might be totally different - one single drink might be enough to go back the slope again. But for "normal" people, what's the point?

For smoking, I see a difference - when I was still smoking, even a single cigarette (much more a pipe or cigar, as I was enjoying) a day does give you a smell and - if consumed indoors - fouls up your apartment, so I see the difference here between "no cigarette" and "one cigarette". But alcohol, as long as it is consumed in moderation, what's the problem with that? (Don't talk to me about not consuming any coffee any more, that's even worse).

Mind you, I do not mention drugs here, but that is mainly as I do not have any experience with those (and do not want to gather any, either).

Best regards,
"This research, part of the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study, was published in this month's issue of the journal Addiction. It also found that Canadians drink more than 50 per cent above the global average.

"Alcohol consumption has been found to cause more than 200 different diseases and injuries," said Kevin Shield, the lead author of the study. "These include not only well-known outcomes of drinking such as liver cirrhosis or traffic accidents, but also several types of cancer, such as female breast cancer."...
" The global burden of disease and injury attributable to alcohol is large and growing. In 2010, it was responsible for 5.5 per cent of this overall burden, third after high blood pressure and tobacco smoking, among 67 risk factors overall."
Unhealthy drinking widespread around the world -- ScienceDaily
To go to work today, or not go to work today...that is the question.

I put in for a vacation day. I'm still not feeling 100% and the weather is going to be cold and snowy. So staying home appeals to me. But I don't need another three day weekend where I'm lazy and unproductive and not feeling well.

I will be working the Rabies Clinic tomorrow afternoon for a few hours.

So maybe I'll go in for 1/2 a day today and leave just as the snow starts. But I don't want to get out of bed. [emoji42]
If I stay home, who, on VV, wants to keep me entertained? [emoji76]
"Alcohol consumption has been found to cause more than 200 different diseases and injuries," said Kevin Shield, the lead author of the study. "These include not only well-known outcomes of drinking such as liver cirrhosis or traffic accidents, but also several types of cancer, such as female breast cancer."...

Ledboots, I fully agree with you on unhealthy drinking (which is the name of the abstract in Science Daily).

I also think, that while alcohol is the "third leading global burden of disease and injury", consumption of animal products must be #1 or #2.

But ... what about healthy drinking?
We remember those studies saying that drinking 1 glass of red wine per day might actually be healthy for you?
e.g. Red wine, antioxidants and resveratrol: Good for your heart? - Mayo Clinic

Best regards,
I ended up going to work and staying half a day.
I don't see the point of being completely straight edge. Not all illegal drugs are bad, either.
Why are they bad? Because they're illegal. Why are they illegal? because they're bad. :p
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I don't see the point of being completely straight edge. Not all illegal drugs are bad, either.
Why are they bad? Because they're illegal. Why are they illegal? because they're bad. :p

Marijuana is illegal because back in the early 1900's the media magnate William Randolf Hearst used his media empire to demonize the use of marijuana, and his great political influence to get it outlawed.
He (along with DuPont, and Rockefeller) did this as they were worried about what hemp paper (a more economically viable and ecologically sound product) would do to the value of the wood pulp paper which they were all heavily invested in. They used the outlawing of marijuana to hide their true goal of getting it's cousin the hemp plant outlawed even though it can't be used as a drug.

-I don't like or use marijuana myself, however I think it should be legal as much of the current effort to keep it outlawed is based on the outright lies that these people started, those lies having been kept going by those that feel they need to protect other people's morals and that any drug use is "bad". Plus those that benefit financially from it's being illegal - i.e. the DEA, other law enforcement entities, drug producers and dealers.

side note: One of Hearst's most famous quotes is "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war". He made this in reply to Artist Frederic Remington, sent to paint war pictures for one of Hearst's publications, when he cabled from Cuba in 1897 that "there will be no war."
Hearst was an extremely rich, powerful, and conceited man.
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If both the humans and the alien beings are consenting, I do not see any issues.
Why would it be unethical to "create hybrids"?
Is it unethical for humans to have sexual relations with alien beings, and possibly create hybrids?
As long as both parties give an informed, unforced consent and have the right to give this consent for themselves, it should be ethical. However in many states and countries it would be an illegal act, as it would technically be bestiality.