What is truly missing from the mainstream rhetoric is that the pro life argument is that this is not the woman's body but an individual life. Until we can say with 100% certitude that this life doesn't feel anything, we have no right to take it. So-called pro-choicers are just obfuscating by trying to make this a woman's rights issue.
Individual life. I had two full term pregnancies and not once before they were delivered did I ever feel they were an individual life. No one around me ever treated them as individual lives.
Many comparisons are made with people who require 24 hour care--not one of them is attached to another person. Not one of them needs the same person.Not one of them gets their food or their oxygen from the caretakers body. Not one caretaker has their physical body changed, their hormones changed, their health changed.
The fetus develops according to everything the woman does. There is no one else to see that it has good nutrition, or stays away from drugs or alcohol. Someone needing round the clock care would have their needs adjusted if they weren't met
I decided to make my baby. It was the most responsibility I ever incurred, and my decision sealed me to make the needed changes. My diet changed, I stopped drinking alcohol and using any drugs. I watched how much exercise and what type,and how much sleep---because it was ME that made that baby. It did not have a life of it's own at any point till birth
I shudder to think of being told I HAD to continue those pregnancies.
There was no attempts on the anti abortion people to expand birth control, for both sexes
There was no push to give all Americans universal health care
No attempt to fund the pregnancies of woman in need
No action to make all the invitro fertilizations illegal to get babies adopted instead
No changes in the high mortality rates of the poor and woman of color
Just a fake outrage that abortions destroy what could become a life.
No concern for the woman who lose their right to what happens to their bodies. Their bodies are no longer their own.
This is isn't about the protection of life. Babies will be born and the healthy white ones will go to the highest bidder, while the crack addicted and alcohol impacted will suffer through foster homes and poorly funded facilities.
Woman will lose jobs, schooling, homes. Men will cry innocent when charged with rape, and balk at being told they're liable for child care
There will be suicides, their will self inflicted abortions gone wrong ending in death, or now jail time