UK UK snap general election 2017


Moll Flanders

Ooh, TM has called for a snap general election on June 8th.

I had a dream last night that I worked with Ed Miliband and he started shouting and took off all his clothes and he got fired.
Ooh, TM has called for a snap general election on June 8th.
Labour will be smashed to smithereens. Possibly, the Lib Dems will do better than last time, though?
I had a dream last night that I worked with Ed Miliband and he started shouting and took off all his clothes and he got fired.
Interesting dream :p
I'm wondering if there will be a low turnout as people are probably sick of voting.:p

I think Theresa May is the best leader out of the bunch, which isn't saying very much,:D but I've never voted Conservative. I won't vote Labour because of JC so that only leaves Lib Dem or Green. I wouldn't vote Green when the problems in the country are this serious so I will probably have to vote Lib Dem.
I think voting tactically against the Conservatives is the only sensible approach for progressive and liberal voters in the UK electoral system. That is, assuming the Lib Dems aren't planning another coalition government with the Conservatives ...
I'm just gonna say, you guys (as a country I mean) need to learn from both your past mistakes and ours over this last year and get those young voters out before this bizarre election comes around.
I think Theresa May is the best leader out of the bunch, which isn't saying very much,:D but I've never voted Conservative. I won't vote Labour because of JC
Yes, May is clearly the more effective leader of her party. Corbyn seems like too much of a protestor and too little politician. Politics is the art of the possible, or so goes the saying. I don't think the leader of the Labour party can say no to Trident, for example, not in today's geopolitically unstable climate. He could maybe learn something from president Obama who I suspect on a personal level was unhappy with some of his party's positions, but went along with it for the greater good of the changes he was still able to push through.
Yes, May is clearly the more effective leader of her party. Corbyn seems like too much of a protestor and too little politician. Politics is the art of the possible, or so goes the saying. I don't think the leader of the Labour party can say no to Trident, for example, not in today's geopolitically unstable climate.

I know, could you imagine if JC did become Prime Minister (very unlikely if the polls are accurate, lol) and him having to deal with people like Putin?!:fp: I think people will vote for stability and probably just vote Conservative, but I'm not making predictions as everything seems so unpredictable at the moment.:p
The first YouGov poll since the snap election was announced. Conservatives are up even more at 48%. I wonder if that is former UKIP supporters deciding to vote Conservative. A British forum I'm on has a poll with about 55% of people on there saying they will vote Tory and they seem to be a good gage for public opinion as the polls on there were correct about the 2015 election and with the Brexit vote.:hmm:

YouGov | Voting Intention: Conservatives 48%, Labour 24% (18-19 Apr)

I would vote Lib Dem - I appreciate the anti-Brexit stance - but I can't trust them after they got themselves almost-elected in 2008 on a similar one-policy platform, and then not only didn't follow through with that one policy, but went and did the exact opposite. Also, they've outright said that they would go into another coalition with the conservatives, but they wouldn't form a coalition with Labour because of their anti-Brexit stance. Which makes total sense :fp:

So (seeing as I would never, ever vote Tory for hopefully obvious reasons), that leaves Labour or Green. I took the quiz at 2017 Election Quiz and got 93% Green and a slightly lower percentage Labour. And ordinarily, I would vote Green as I have done for the past 6 years (knowing that they won't be elected but also knowing I live in a labour stronghold so it's not like I need to vote against anything).

But this time I'll be voting Labour. Never voted that way before, but I like Corbyn. I think he's the kind of change we need in British politics - someone who actually listens to his constituents. I've liked the way he has voted on most issues, I like most of his policies, I even like that he's more protester than politician. I think he's been treated unfairly by the media, and that he's not anywhere near as unsuited to the job as he's been made to look (almost all TV channels and news outlets are owned by like 6 people, all of who use the type of tax havens Labour have policies to remove, and none of whom have dirt on Corbyn to stop him from following through - there's a good article about that here: Think Jeremy Corbyn is a loser? Oh dear, you’ve been brainwashed…).
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Never voted that way before, but I like Corbyn. I think he's the kind of change we need in British politics - someone who actually listens to his constituents. I've liked the way he has voted on most issues, I like most of his policies, I even like that he's more protester than politician.

I find that very interesting. To be honest, living outside the UK, I do not understand at all why Corbin seems to be so unpopular at the moment, he seems to be a principled politician to me.
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I don't know what party to vote for! I have never been so torn about who to support. I'm not alone as one in seven people are still undecided. I saw this in the FT showing how voters are realigning with different parties after Brexit. Apparently Leave voters are mainly going to the Conservative party but Remain voters are more split.

I will probably get tarred and feathered for saying this on VV but I agree with some of the Conservative economic policies. They need to sort out social care as they have made a mess of that and I don't agree with their net migration target. I'm not sure I want another referendum as the Lib Dems are suggesting. Labour's front bench all seem so incompetent and I don't want to reward them by voting for them.
I will probably get tarred and feathered for saying this on VV but I agree with some of the Conservative economic policies.

Which of their economic policies do you agree with? Not attacking or looking for an argument or anything - just genuinely curious.
Which of their economic policies do you agree with? Not attacking or looking for an argument or anything - just genuinely curious.

Just general stuff like pensions and tax! I will probably just read the manifestos and make my choice about how to vote. I do think the triple lock should go. At this point I am deciding between LD and Conservative.
Just general stuff like pensions and tax! I will probably just read the manifestos and make my choice about how to vote. I do think the triple lock should go. At this point I am deciding between LD and Conservative.

Have you tried taking a policy quiz? I was undecided, so I took a couple of those and read some of the manifestos to make my mind up :)
I did the quiz the other day and I get SNP (!) and Green and then Labour. I'm just going to vote for the party that I think will do the best job with Brexit in this election. I thought LD would be better as we could get a second ref and we could make a different choice but I really do not like the leader and I'm not sure I want another ref anyway now.

Theresa May has moved left economically, she has actually nicked quite a few ideas from Ed Miliband!:DMay is stealing Ed Miliband’s clothes – but no one’s shouting ‘Red Theresa’ | Abi Wilkinson | Opinion | The Guardian
For anyone who is tempted to vote for the Conservatives, here's something that might make you reconsider:

Theresa May sensationally confirmed she hopes to bring back fox-hunting after the Mirror exposed a secret Tory plot to repeal the ban.

Speaking in Leeds today, the Prime Minister admitted she has "always been in favour" of the cruel blood sport and will press ahead with plans for a free vote of MPs after the election.
More: Theresa May confirms she wants return of fox hunting after secret plot exposed (9. May 2017)
:p I meant to say that I saw Iain Duncan Smith rapping to Eminem and I had to cover my eyes as it was so cringeful!:fp:

Iain Duncan Smith raps Eminem to attack Diane Abbott on 'Good Morning Britain' - NME

For anyone who is tempted to vote for the Conservatives, here's something that might make you reconsider:

More: Theresa May confirms she wants return of fox hunting after secret plot exposed (9. May 2017)

I assume she is just trying to appeal to some of the rural vote. I don't think fox hunting will come back even if they put it to a vote?:confused:

Are you voting in this election IS?
I assume she is just trying to appeal to some of the rural vote. I don't think fox hunting will come back even if they put it to a vote?:confused:
With a large enough majority of Tories in the Commons, there could well be a majority for fox hunting. It's probably only thanks to the SNP changing their mind and saying they would vote on non-Scottish legislation in the case of a potential fox hunting repeal bill that the Tories haven't managed to repeal it already.
Are you voting in this election IS?
No, I'm still a bloody foreigner. (Though, unlike many other bloody foreigners I have a real stake in this election.)
I think one of the (many) problems the Labour party has is the name and the brand. The old, traditional, working class group doesn't really exist in the UK today. If they did split after they lose this election which group will get the Labour brand name, the far left Momentum types or the old Blairite group? I can't see what will happen with the party.

Anecdotally, some of the men my husband works with are about 15-20 years older than him and they are traditionally working class in background, but they are very wealthy. They bought houses when they were cheap and often have second homes by the coast and added to that they have generous million pound pension pots. These type of people would not be considered working class (by any stretch of the imagination) as they have assets worth £2 -£3 million and the Labour message doesn't mean much to them so many of them vote Tory now.

No, I'm still a bloody foreigner. (Though, unlike many other bloody foreigners I have a real stake in this election.)

Why haven't you become a voter?:confused: Haven't you lived here quite a long time?! I thought you said you voted in the Brexit vote for some reason.
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