Well Corbyn thinks he won when he lost , May thinks she lost when it looks like she won .....I think it was a good outcome for the country, if it was to be a Conservative win . May was pumped with Brexit which she seem to be using as a shadow for more social cut backs , Corbyn clicked on to this left Brexit alone and pushed social issues .
So now, May will have to water down the social cuts (that's if the Conservatives keep her on as leader ) and start passing what the people want, rather than back room deals for a select few .
I doubt if fox hunting will be on top of the agenda .
BTW this is just viewing the scene outside of the UK .
So now, May will have to water down the social cuts (that's if the Conservatives keep her on as leader ) and start passing what the people want, rather than back room deals for a select few .
I doubt if fox hunting will be on top of the agenda .
BTW this is just viewing the scene outside of the UK .