UK UK snap general election 2017

  • Thread starter Thread starter Moll Flanders
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Well Corbyn thinks he won when he lost , May thinks she lost when it looks like she won .....I think it was a good outcome for the country, if it was to be a Conservative win . May was pumped with Brexit which she seem to be using as a shadow for more social cut backs , Corbyn clicked on to this left Brexit alone and pushed social issues .

So now, May will have to water down the social cuts (that's if the Conservatives keep her on as leader ) and start passing what the people want, rather than back room deals for a select few .

I doubt if fox hunting will be on top of the agenda .

BTW this is just viewing the scene outside of the UK .;)
It seems like now that TM will stay on for a while and then the Tories will have a leadership challenge for a new PM and then probably another general election in the autumn or next year.

I was thinking what would happen if we get a hung parliament again?:shrug:
Seems like May is having a bit of a problem finalizing a deal with DUP?
Not only that, but the Tory - DUP deal now threatens the peace in Northern Ireland:
Senior members of the DUP are accused of remaining close to loyalist paramilitary groups, which backed a string of the party’s MPs in this month’s general election
The incoming Irish prime minister, Leo Varadkar, also raised concerns about the impact of the Tory- DUP pact on the power-sharing agreement.

“Our role as guarantors, here in Dublin and London, is to act as co-guarantors and not to be close to any particular party in the north, whether it’s nationalist and republican or unionist,” he said.
More: New revelations of DUP paramilitary links put more pressure on May's deal (12. June 2017)
The article explains about the links between the DUP and paramilitary groups, how some are now pushing for reinstating the Orange Order marches as part of the deal, and Gerry Adams (of Sinn Fein):
... also said Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire could not longer chair the talks aimed at restoring powersharing at Stormont as his impartiality had been compromised.
Tim Farron, the Lib Dem leader, has resigned.

He is very dodgy on fox hunting (apparently wants to repeal the ban). Voters were also concerned that his Christian faith would get in the way on issues like abortion and gay sex.
The Tories and the DUP have reached agreement on a deal:
There will be no additional funding for Scotland or other parts of the UK as the result of the deal struck between the UK government and the DUP.

The agreement will see an extra £1bn for Northern Ireland in return for the DUP backing the minority government.

But Downing Street said the money will not be subject to the Barnett formula.
More 'No money for Scotland' through DUP deal - BBC News (26. June 2017)