I'm British, I live in Chile, so definately no vote, but certainly an interest as a citizen of the world. I mean the world could have been a very different place if a few more voters in Florida had voted for Gore, the world could have become more environmental, and the situation in the middle east and many other things might have worked out differently. It was really a moment in world history.
I've watched a couple of the Republican debates. While they mainly seem focused on jobs and the economy, and secondly making America strong in foreign affairs, there is strong thread of intolerance and stupidity running through it all. Carson and Trump stood out as particularly poor choices. Jeb Bush seems better than some I think, perhaps a relatively more moderate and sensible Republican. Anyway, it looks like he's not going to win.
I'd almost always prefer a Democrat over a Republican, but electing Hilary Clinton is choosing to elect a liar to the highest office in the land. I visited the US shortly after the snipers in Yugoslavia story and most people didn't care or hadn't even heard of it when it was raised. In the UK, that alone might have been bad enough to cause a candidate to pull out of a presidential race. Now, it's forgotten about.
Sanders. Well, on the one hand some good social and environmental policies and thoughts and a more just person and policies, on the other hand: too old, two terms makes him in his 80s and still President having to travel round the world and look Presidential and stand up to Putin, the Chinese etc. Not sure. And you would need to chose the VP carefully. Also, I agree with raising the minimum wage but not by as much as he says. Just not practical for US today. And not sure about this vast public spending either. And not sure, he really represents the whole of the US either, he is way to the left of the average US person.
Still, I voted for Sanders but it's the best of a bad lot, the worst selection of candidates I've ever seen. It makes you realise how good Obama has been after all.
Not surprised that you veggie lot are left leaning, but curious that it's SO one sided. I would have thought some Republicans could be veggie and vegans. Not a single Republican vote.
Interesting to see that the forum appears to be fairly even split between US and none US.
Shame about the low sample size, though.