Veg*n Mistakes and Slip-Ups


Jun 8, 2012
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Manchester, UK
Yesterday, boyfriend (who is veggie) and I picked up a box of cereal that was on offer when we were doing a small grocery shop. We each had a bowl for breakfast with some almond milk, and as I finished mine, I realised that we didn't check the ingredients. I grabbed the box, expecting to see a non-vegan vitamin, or at worse some lactose or whey, but no - Beef Gelatin. In cereal. :yuck:

Share your stories of mistakes and slip-ups, so we can all commiserate together, and remember that it happens to us all sometimes ;)
The title of your thread made me feel nervous, thought it was about sp and grammar.:D

The other day whilst I was doing my shopping in the hyperm, I spotted some Halal sweets. Thinking that
they were vegan, as moslims don't eat porc, bought them and gobbled them all up. I than checked the ingredients on their site as the print on the box was too small to read.

Under the ingredients list it stated that it contained beef gelatine. :mad:
The title of your thread made me feel nervous, thought it was about sp and grammar.:D

The other day whilst I was doing my shopping in the hyperm, I spotted some Halhal sweets. Thinking that
they were vegan, as moslims don't eat porc, bought them and gobbled them all up. I than checked the ingredients on their site as the print on the box was too small to read.

Under the ingredients list it stated that it contained beef gelatine. :mad:

I changed the thread title to (hopefully) make it more clear ;)

I hate when halal sweets are just made with beef gelatine instead of pork :( It just seems like such a wasted opportunity for more tasty veggie foods.
I changed the thread title to (hopefully) make it more clear ;)

I hate when halal sweets are just made with beef gelatine instead of pork :( It just seems like such a wasted opportunity for more tasty veggie foods.

No, I think it is only me who is nervous about sp. I'll have to start to use Google spell when I reply to your threads.:D

I would have thought that halal sweets were made with starch. I have never met a vegan who eats halal foods.
No, I think it is only me who is nervous about sp. I'll have to start to use Google spell when I reply to your threads.:D

Don't be silly! It's not like I'm sitting here fuming at every little thing :P I'd be a very angry person if I let every instance of bad spelling on the internet bug me :rolleyes:
sometimes halal just means no combination of dairy and rennet, as beef bodily substances are not meant to be eaten with dairy, under halals rules.
The chocolate buttons I sometimes buy are vegan, and they have the halal symbol.
sometimes halal just means no combination of dairy and rennet, as beef bodily substances are not meant to be eaten with dairy, under halals rules.
The chocolate buttons I sometimes buy are vegan, and they have the halal symbol.

I think the halal haribo used to be vegetarian, but they use beef now.

:rofl: what on earth?!
What cereal was this?:eek: I probably miss out on buying a lot of vegan cereals as I can never remember which ones are okay for us.
Kellogg's frosted wheats :fp: It just totally slipped my mind that most Kellogg's cereals aren't vegan-friendly, and I only remembered at breakfast this morning. But the gelatine was a surprise :| I feel pretty damn crappy about it - I'm normally so good at label-checking!
Kellogg's frosted wheats :fp: It just totally slipped my mind that most Kellogg's cereals aren't vegan-friendly, and I only remembered at breakfast this morning. But the gelatine was a surprise :| I feel pretty damn crappy about it - I'm normally so good at label-checking!

Here anything that's "frosted" usually contains gelatin. :bang:
:rofl: what on earth?!

I think the halal haribo used to be vegetarian, but they use beef now.

:rofl: what on earth?!


I've made tons of mistakes, slip-ups, oopsies, what have you, but I've never felt bad about them... even though in the beginning a few were intentional. I wavered quite a bit during those first months, eating the occasional meat to see if I was missing something. But in the end the vegetarianism 'took' and those brief meat-eating episodes only helped to strengthen my resolve long-term.
Ewww, I was going to ask what cereal that as too. Would never think that would have gelatine in!

The only mistake I've ever knowingly made was when I was newly veggie & I grabbed some mints for a flight without even thinking. I only noticed they had gelatin in them when I had one in my mouth on the flight because the pack was at eye level in the seat pocket. Some newly veggie instinct made me glance at it and the word GELATINE stood out a mile.
My Dad brought me some Flaxseed oil tablets from H&B as my Vertese Omega 3 6 9 tablets had run out, so I was happily having one a day then realised they are coated in bloody gelatine.

WHY? Seriously, what's the point of making them, if you were omni you would eat an actual fish rather than these waste of time hoof covered pieces of crap.
I ate some noodles that I assumed were vegan but actually had beef stock in them. I cried. I actually did.
At Whitby I assumed all the chips were vegan until a girl told me that 99% of the fishshops use beeffat. yak!
I ate some noodles that I assumed were vegan but actually had beef stock in them. I cried. I actually did.
At Whitby I assumed all the chips were vegan until a girl told me that 99% of the fishshops use beeffat. yak!

I accidentally ate a prawn last year and cried. :hug: