Veg*n Mistakes and Slip-Ups

As far as I know iv made no slip ups in the 11 weeks I've been vegan but managed to make 2 yesterday!
We had no sugar at work so I agreed for someone to put sweetener in my tea (lactase).
And then I came home and had pizza. Picked up what I thought was my vegan mayonnaise, squirted it onto my plate, dippe my pizza in it and the second it touched my tongue I presumed it was off so spat it out. Turns out it was my housemate's squirty sour cream! Xxx

EWwWWW!!!! there there
Bought new knickers without realising they had silk in them. Worn & washed them so can't taken them back. Gah!

Silk always gets me because I forget about it, I always check for wool/etc but silk sneaks up on me because it's not something the kinda clothes I buy are usually made from.
AWw that sucks, SummerRain. But you'll be more careful next time, I'm sure. I love your signature btw. I often repeat a variation of that to in, under my breath. hehe