Veg*n Mistakes and Slip-Ups

Too many to count. I kept eating prawn crackers in my first year of veg*nism because I honestly forgot they had prawns in. The texture is so far removed from prawns that even with the word right there in the title, it never occurred to me there was actual animal in those things.

I didn't think about gelatine and stuff until I'd been veggie a few months, so I probably ate sweets and things with them in.

I ate a French onion soup and loved it, so I looked up the recipe and found out it's nearly always made with beef stock.

In South Africa when I was still l/o veggie I picked up what I thought was a mushroom omelette at the breakfast buffet, and after biting into it I realised it was very odd shaped chunks of sausages. Also on the plane journey home they ran out of veggie breakfasts and I got an omni one. It was omelette with sausage and bacon, so I ate all the omelette that wasn't touching the meat but I'm sure there were juices and grossness in it. I was too hungry to care.

Then as a vegan...

Then I was really psyched to see a raspberry jelly made without gelatine, and only after eating it did I look at the full ingredients list and see EGG WHITES. In a jelly! Jelly = jell-o to USians.

Most recently I bought some Cauldron sausages because I thought all Cauldron stuff was vegan. I later saw that they had egg in them and Cauldron is not exclusively vegan.

I've had a lot less slip ups as a vegan, partly because I became more used to reading labels and more familiar with which ingredients were okay. I'm sure there's loads I haven't remembered here.
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Kellogg's frosted wheats :fp: It just totally slipped my mind that most Kellogg's cereals aren't vegan-friendly, and I only remembered at breakfast this morning. But the gelatine was a surprise :| I feel pretty damn crappy about it - I'm normally so good at label-checking!

Mmmmm beefy wheaties!

As for me, my dad was so excited one time when there was a sale at Kroger or wherever for these chunky vegetable soups. So he bought a bunch and I was eating some, looked at the ingredients and the "chicken broth" thing came up. I don't know why they bother to make an all-veggie soup if they are going to muck it up with the broth.
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Similar to the prawn cracker issue, I had no idea oyster sauce had oysters "in" it...I thought it was a sauce that you use to put "on" oysters. :o
Found out tonight that the mulled wine I've been drinking in my local has butter in! I checked the type of wine on barnivore for vegan-ness, never thought that it would contain dairy!
A friend bought dorito like crisps (stores on brand), both cheesy and cool original. I assumed that the original would be ok as I'd been eating the 'lightly salted' flavour for weeks. Turns out 'cool original' has about a thousand ingredients, including dairy, compared to 'lightly salted's FOUR ingredients which are fine. Got one in my mouth as I was reading the packet :-( xxx
^^^ Butter in wine?... :confused: That's... imaginative, I suppose.

I might have slipped up this past Saturday. I ordered a dish of orange-spiced tofu but first asked if there was any meat or fish in it... I'm sure I asked about egg too. But the tofu chunks had a sort of crust on them that makes me think they might have been dipped in an egg batter first. I finished the dish but won't be ordering it again unless I get that question cleared up. Chinese food seldom uses milk, but now that I think of it, I'd probably want to find out if the sauce had honey in it.
A few things I can remember.. I got Amy's meatloaf and found out it had honey. Like, really? Is honey so important for meatloaf? I don't understand why they can't make a honey-free version at least, for vegans.
Back when I was new, I got this soy cheese.. Thought it was vegan. It had milk protein in it.
Before I learned to check *everything* I accidentally got a drink with milk.
Accidentally got cereal with honey. Which was weird, because I checked the ingredients but I missed honey somehow.
Got cereals with D3 before I found out that D3 was never vegan (Well there is D3 that *is* vegan now)
Mom accidentally picked out two Amy's pot pies with dairy. Found out as soon as we got home, and returned it the next day. I almost did the same, but found out while I was in the store.
Pretty sure I messed up and got non-vegan vegetarian meats too.

As a vegetarian
Got french onion dip, later found out it had gelatin. Just stopped eating it (was hard..) and put it in the fridge for someone else to eat lol.
Got enchilada sauce and found out it had chicken in it... Before I ate it... But it was too late to return it. :(
So I told my family I was going to be vegetarian, but there wasn't enough vegetarian food. So my sister made pasta.. I thought it would be fine if I just didn't add the sausage to it. Nope, the pasta sauce had sausages lol. Found out after I ate. I would have starved otherwise though. I didn't eat much that week because I wanted to stop eating meat right then and there. It sucked because I was also more hungry than usual. But the next week we got all vegetarian food.
Accidentally got the ramen WITH the beef extract once. :( Luckily I found out before I ate it!
Probably ate cheese with animal rennet
Oh my, I've made mistakes a mile long!

YES I made the prawn cracker mistake too. I always thought that it was just a NAME! How do they even taste like prawns, idk. I didn't realize until probably 3 months in.

Soy cheese. That's a classic. >.< Why, god, why???!!!

Honey. Darn it! They put that in sooo many things you would never think. Like in bbq sauce. There was this great new brand in the natural foods store..I remember like yesterday. Look at the ingredients after..all natural...sounds good..and then BAMM. Honey. Why why why? I ask this. lol I ask why a lot.

Oh and in veggie meats. I bought this jumbo pack of Yves veggie nuggets and was soooo happy....then I read the "albumin". And I had only learned about this fishy name for egg whites a bit earlier than that. ARGH. I was sooo unhappy. They were so chicken-like and I needed that "badness" at the time. Now I've learned how to bread ultra firm tofu and make it taste even better and even more unhealthy. lol
I ate some noodles that I assumed were vegan but actually had beef stock in them. I cried. I actually did.
At Whitby I assumed all the chips were vegan until a girl told me that 99% of the fishshops use beeffat. yak!
AWWww *hugs*
I don't get sad...I get angry. At myself, at the world, etc etc.
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Two things it took me years to work out:
- fine bone china has bone in it
- waxed lemons can have shellac in the wax

:eek: but there have been many sillier ones.

The most recent thing I can think of is that big caramel snack-a-jacks are vegan but the mini ones aren't, how do you work that one out?!
The most recent thing I can think of is that big caramel snack-a-jacks are vegan but the mini ones aren't, how do you work that one out?!

Ditto on the big jammy dodgers but not the small ones. I didn't slip up on this one, but it seriously confused me. I wanted to take the mini jammy dodgers snack packs to work with me :(
Ditto on the big jammy dodgers but not the small ones. I didn't slip up on this one, but it seriously confused me. I wanted to take the mini jammy dodgers snack packs to work with me :(

Didn't know that! It's crazy that it's not the same product just smaller :confused: that's even more baffling than when products have different recipes in different countries.
Two things it took me years to work out:
- fine bone china has bone in it
- waxed lemons can have shellac in the wax

:eek: but there have been many sillier ones.

The most recent thing I can think of is that big caramel snack-a-jacks are vegan but the mini ones aren't, how do you work that one out?!

THE BIG ONES ARE VEGAN? Well, you learn something new every day. That's awesome. :)
Bone china? Ew I never thought about that! Not that I was planning to run out and buy any bone china, but good (and gross) to know. I still learn things all the time, like that.
My friend bought me two teacups as a gift about 3 years ago, I was using them quite alot till one day the BONE CHINA text on the base caught my eye. I felt sick. :(
I recently found out that the hashbrown casserole at Cracker Barrel (a U.S. chain restaurant) has cream of chicken soup in it. Who the hell puts chicken in a simple potato dish??? I've been eating it for years, and never even thought to ask, because potatoes. We only eat there about once a year, on our road trips to NY, but still. Gross. :(
For some dumb reason it never occurred to me that the eel sauce at sushi restaurant has actual eel in it. I thought it was just a delicious sweet sauce they put on eel. But I guess it has eel in it, and I've been asking for it for my avocado rolls. :yuck:
As far as I know iv made no slip ups in the 11 weeks I've been vegan but managed to make 2 yesterday!
We had no sugar at work so I agreed for someone to put sweetener in my tea (lactase).
And then I came home and had pizza. Picked up what I thought was my vegan mayonnaise, squirted it onto my plate, dippe my pizza in it and the second it touched my tongue I presumed it was off so spat it out. Turns out it was my housemate's squirty sour cream! Xxx