I am currently working on becoming vegan. I’m a kid, and it’s sometimes hard to be accommodated at family gatherings, especially if I don’t have time to cook my own vegan equivalent of literally everything they serve. With my current homework load, the best I try to do when going to relatives houses is bring a block of tofu in a cooler. Currently I’m at my grandmas house. She is okay with me cooking my own food. But I feel she doesn’t really like vegans. She spent half an hour yesterday complaining about a raw vegan friend of hers who is “so annoying” and “too health obsessed” and “calls anyone she doesn’t like a flesh eater”. The “humans have canine teeth” argument came up too. Anyway, I didn’t want to make trouble. So for breakfast the next day I had some of the raspberry coffee cake she made. It had milk, butter, and eggs. Not too long after I threw up. I’m worried about a correlation. At some point, will nonvegan foods become inedible to me? Will I eventually have to make trouble to get a safe breakfast?