If you are caring for a cat, you should face difficult questions. Is the cat a pet? Why have a cat, as a vegan? It can be justified if you were rescuing the cat, otherwise you play a part in more cats being bred for pets people would want. Still, feeding them with cat food as it is generally available is a part of the speciesism, that creeps in among vegans.
Like our food system, the pet food system is equally problematic. It’s an industry built on low costs and high profits, which, in the case of animal ingredients, means the health and welfare of an animal typically comes last.
You should consider getting Jed Gillen’s book Obligate Carnivore. Gillen explores the nutrition issues of vegan cats in great detail. He also includes recipes for vegan cat food that you can make right in your kitchen. Since individual tastes vary between cats, you may need to try a number of recipes before you find one that your cat deems satisfactory. There is nothing more humiliating than spending thirty minutes lovingly preparing a batch of cat food, only to watch your cat give it a perfunctory sniff and then walk away in disgust, without deigning to taste even a morsel. When this happens, you can usually count on your cat shooting you a scornful look over his shoulder as he walks behind the sofa.
But with persistence, you may achieve success. Once you discover a recipe your cat enjoys, you must spike all future batches with a specially formulated amino acid and vitamin supplement. The most popular brand is called VegeCat, which can be purchased online. Don’t spike your test batch of homemade cat food with these supplements until after your cat approves of the recipe. These supplements are expensive and it’s silly to waste them on a test-recipe batch that won’t be eaten.
Some cats manage to thrive on vegan cat food. But responsibily feeding your cat vegan demands substantial extra care, veterinary attention, and expense.