Vegan sausages/tofu from the brand taifun

Jérémie Lhomme

Nov 21, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hello, I'm Jérémie, 26. I've been vegan for over 3 years now and I have no intention to stop.

I want to be active in the vegan community as I consider going vegan to be one the best thing I have ever done.

I am working on a recipe website where I also want to review some vegan products (food, shoes etc.)

I made my first video. I'm not quite satisfied about it but, it's not so bad for a first try and, I will try and improve everything I can for the next one. I already know how to improve my image quality. So stay tuned for the next one. ;)

This is about the brand Taifun! If you don't know it yet, I recommend you to check the video description. Lots of links. :)

Have a wonderful day!


PS: I don't get any money from Taifun.
Hi Jeremie, I don't use anything that tries to "imitate" meat, I just hate the look, smell, taste and the word association. I sometimes even have trouble with vegan products that reference dairy.
Hey alleycat. I understand your point of view ;). That being said, to me, it's important that more and more people become vegan and, fake meat and dairy products can really facilitate the transition for many.

You have troubles with nut milks too?
Hey alleycat. I understand your point of view ;). That being said, to me, it's important that more and more people become vegan and, fake meat and dairy products can really facilitate the transition for many.

You have troubles with nut milks too?
As long as the nut milk or "cheese" isn't too similar to animal products I'm ok.
I agree if the imitation meats etc help people transition to a better life style it's good.