Vegan/Vegetarian dating and finding a partner

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
For many in "our flock" finding a suitable life partner is difficult since we want to find someone with similar values, and unfortunately veg*ns are a rare species in most areas. I'm lucky to not have this problem any more, but it seems to be a problem for many others, so I thought it would be good to have a thread for advice and support on this issue.

How do you plan to find a life partner? Or for those who have succeeded (either permanently or temporary), how did you do it?

For reference, I came across this article:
The British Vegan Society estimates that there are only some 150,000 vegans in the UK, out of 65 million people - that is about 1 in 400.

In the US the odds are a little better. The Vegetarian Resource Group estimates that there are some two million, out of a total population of 313 million - roughly one in 150. A Gallup poll published two weeks ago, on the other hand, suggests that as many as 2% of Americans are vegan.
Vegan dating: Finding love without meat or dairy (BBC)

The article goes on to mention the London Vegan meetup group as one potential place to find Love. It also says that vegan women are more likely to tolerate a non-vegan partner.
When I met my fiance 5 years ago, I wasn't looking for a fellow vegetarian - just someone who would accept and respect my choices and beliefs, rather than give me grief and try to "convert" me (like my previous partner). Fiance is a vegetarian now. So, my dating solution? Assimilate them.
My husband and I were omni when we met, though I had been half-assed veg in college. We became vegetarian and later vegan together, and our relationship feels strengthened since we did. I guess because it's even more "us against the world" now. We've been married 26 years, veg for 11, two kids (one vegan, one omni.) I think if people are compatible and decide that they will always have the other person's back and will treat the other with kindness and respect, often they end up in the same place. For us, it was veganism.
My husband and I were omni when we met, though I had been half-assed veg in college. We became vegetarian and later vegan together, and our relationship feels strengthened since we did. I guess because it's even more "us against the world" now. We've been married 26 years, veg for 11, two kids (one vegan, one omni.) I think if people are compatible and decide that they will always have the other person's back and will treat the other with kindness and respect, often they end up in the same place. For us, it was veganism.

My man and I went vegan together too. <3Almost nine years ago now! :woo:
I was married to an omni and I went veg soon after we divorced. At my age it is hard to find anyone, let alone a vegan. I think I would have a very hard time dating an omni now. I know I wouldn't want to prepare anything but vegan food, so he would have to be someone who would respect my choices and be adventurous about expanding his palate. So, yeah, I would want a vegan partner.
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I was married to an omni and I went veg soon after we divorced. At my age it is hard to find anyone, let alone a vegan. I think I would have a very hard time dating an omni now. I know I wouldn't want to prepare anything but vegan food, so he would have to be someone who would respect my choices and be adventurous about expanding his palate. So, yeah, I would want a vegan partner.

Same here. There is no way that I would cook omni, even if he looked like Rock Hudson.;)
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I don't think that dating an omni would bother me so much. As I pretty much live on takeout as it is and expect no one to cook for me, there wouldn't be much of an issue. Hell, the biggest thing I run into is what PTree15 said, it's hard to meet anyone at my age, much less one with moral dietary restrictions.
I don't think that dating an omni would bother me so much. As I pretty much live on takeout as it is and expect no one to cook for me, there wouldn't be much of an issue. Hell, the biggest thing I run into is what PTree15 said, it's hard to meet anyone at my age, much less one with moral dietary restrictions.

Men don't grow on trees anymore.:p
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I have been with my omni bf for nearly 3 years. He has been supportive in my transition to vegan. I was his gf before I was vegan and I don't forget that. He respects my decision to go cruelty free and I respect his choice to continue as omni.
Difficult to imagine what I would look for in a new partner if it ended between us...I hope it doesn't! Xxx
My Fiance is omni and it's not a problem.

Before we started going out, I thought I'd want a vegan boyfriend, but like many other things when I we started going out I realised what I thought was important and what was actually important in our relationship weren't the same things!

It's important that my Fiance really cares about the fact that I'm vegan, he doesn't want to eat out in places where there's nothing enjoyable for me, and he looks at ingredients for me to find new vegan things even when I'm not there, and never ever complains about the fact all the meals I cook (and he does 90% of the time) are vegan, and bakes me vegan cakes for my birthday, and doesn't complain when we walk around all the coffee shops until we find one that has a vegan sandwich, etc, etc, etc! What isn't important is whether he is vegan or not, it wouldn't make any difference to me whether he was or not.
My Fiance is omni and it's not a problem.

Before we started going out, I thought I'd want a vegan boyfriend, but like many other things when I we started going out I realised what I thought was important and what was actually important in our relationship weren't the same things!

It's important that my Fiance really cares about the fact that I'm vegan, he doesn't want to eat out in places where there's nothing enjoyable for me, and he looks at ingredients for me to find new vegan things even when I'm not there, and never ever complains about the fact all the meals I cook (and he does 90% of the time) are vegan, and bakes me vegan cakes for my birthday, and doesn't complain when we walk around all the coffee shops until we find one that has a vegan sandwich, etc, etc, etc! What isn't important is whether he is vegan or not, it wouldn't make any difference to me whether he was or not.
Are you planning to have children? This brings up a whole nother set of issues.
The guy friend that is starting to see me sorta will accept me going full Veg if we end up together after the stuff gets taken care of with my current relationship I am in. However, I will comment more about this in near future but not now its too early to tell.
I am at a point where I do not want to date anyone who isn't vegan, or at least vegetarian. It's such an important moral issue to me, and I have no respect for the decision to eat meat.

My boyfriend is vegan :starshower:

We found each other on OkCupid, which is an dating site. You can narrow your search for people to only veg*ns, which is what I did. Sure, vegan men where I live are few and far between, but I found one. I would HIGHLY recommend using some sort of dating site, meet-up group, etc to find a veg*n partner, if that is your desire.

It's interesting that women are more likely to tolerate a non-vegan partner. I think it has to do with the fact that we are brought up to be accommodating and to compromise.