History Vikings had some interesting clothing...


Forum Legend
Jun 4, 2012
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Link here. Obviously a lot of this is non-vegan, some of it's non-vegetarian.

But the tunics look pretty practical.
Similar clothing is found around the world during the same time period and, in some cases, down to current times. That's not surprising since it is, as you say, practical.
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I love me a good tunic. Imma make me some swathing bands, yo. Right. Now. o_O

Swathing bands look like they'd take the place of gaiters for handling snow.

But I think what's available for modern footwear is mostly superior (my own complaint being that I'm still searching for a warm vegan sock).
You can superior your footwear all you want buddy, I just think they look rockin and they'll be a nice change from legwarmers and I can whip 'em up in a jiffy. My work is cold and if I leave my ankles exposed I get terrible chills.
We visited the Viking ship museum in Roskilde, Denmark last summer. They have a collection of Viking costumes that people can try on and take pictures in. They looked to be very similar to the ones in the article - even the colors.
The Norsemen / Scandinavians, at least those in the later Viking Age, were heavily into clothing fashions and trends. They also had a bath once a week, a custom that the fair Anglo-Saxon maids of old Engla Land found very attractive according to their chronicles. The whole "bloodthirsty barbarians from the uncivilized north" is clearly a myth.
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The Norsemen / Scandinavians, at least those in the later Viking Age, were heavily into clothing fashions and trends. They also had a bath once a week, a custom that the fair Anglo-Saxon maids of old Engla Land found very attractive according to their chronicles. The whole "bloodthirsty barbarians from the uncivilized north" is clearly a myth.

They drank out of shoes. That's nasty.
Hey a lady (who I've known for years) asked if she could take my picture because of my legs wraps when I wore them to work, to show her fashion-conscious son and his man. I received many compliments, but gave the Vikings all the credit. :yes: