You don't hear the name Johnny cakes much these days. Most people just call it cornbread, but there is a difference, evidently. When I was a kid my mom used to make Johnny cakes. I don't have her original recipe, but I am almost 100% sure she used sour milk in the recipe. I am sure there's a vegan work-around for this.
I always add yogurt to the batter when making cornbread.

Johnnycake History and Recipe
Johnnycakes are the New England equivalent of tortillas, as they are a cornmeal flat bread. The simplest recipes call for nothing but cornmeal, boiling water, and a little salt. The

Perhaps it would be a good idea to post it here:

The Origins of Recipes
I really enjoy reading the origins of various recipes and many historians have different opinions on which country invented macaroni & cheese. Many countries have a profound love and deep historical connection to a version of this dish – including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom...