I'm seriously jealous of everyone.
Last fall, I dug up an okra plant or two to bring them inside. I was trying to find out if they're true annuals or perrennials. But some aphids came in with them and sucked the life out of them- they almost killed the bell pepper plant I brought inside too, but that one is doing well now and I've brought it back outside. It grew a lot of leaves back, is blooming, and has at least one small pepper growing on it- and it's only the beginning of June!
I started some okra in small seed starters and planted some directly in the ground, but it looks like a critter just stepped all over the ones in the starters. They were still very small, with only one or two small leaves. I hope the ones I planted in the ground do better. I started 4 watermelon plants from seed in small pots and they look good, but watermelon hasn't done well for me in the past- last year it just made big softballs full of seeds, with no juicy red stuff.
I have a gaggle of bean plants coming up, and some acorn squash that self-seeded from last year.