What's in Your Garden? (2013 edition)

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I'm seriously jealous of everyone.

Last fall, I dug up an okra plant or two to bring them inside. I was trying to find out if they're true annuals or perrennials. But some aphids came in with them and sucked the life out of them- they almost killed the bell pepper plant I brought inside too, but that one is doing well now and I've brought it back outside. It grew a lot of leaves back, is blooming, and has at least one small pepper growing on it- and it's only the beginning of June!

I started some okra in small seed starters and planted some directly in the ground, but it looks like a critter just stepped all over the ones in the starters. They were still very small, with only one or two small leaves. I hope the ones I planted in the ground do better. I started 4 watermelon plants from seed in small pots and they look good, but watermelon hasn't done well for me in the past- last year it just made big softballs full of seeds, with no juicy red stuff.

I have a gaggle of bean plants coming up, and some acorn squash that self-seeded from last year.
Watermelons need a lot of water to get juicy. Good luck this year with all your plants! :)

We planted our squash too close together (that's yellow squash, zuchinni, cucumber, and the one lonely eggplant plant that sprouted in that bed), but according to everyone we've asked, they'll be fine. Oh well, this is our learning year, we'll do much better next year!

We also have a row of corn by the back fence, two types of tomatoes growing in five gallon buckets, some micro greens in a window planter and some bean and herb sprouts in little pots that need to be put in the ground soon.

We're actually going to eat the microgreens today! :lick:
Everyones gardens are looking great!

We bought somemore seeds to plant. Chilli, garlic chives, Opal Basil, Cumin.
I got some cuttings from plants in my Mams garden. No idea what they are I just went round picking the ones I liked hehe.
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Lots of MUD, dammit. I can pull weeds from the border, but it's hard to do much else.

I'll want to plant my onion, watermelon, and marigold seedlings which I started as soon as I can. At least my sweet pepper plant is doing well. Oh- and my beans are up.

I started a terrarium: I had a 10-gallon aquarium with big cracks in one end, so instead of repairing it and making it watertight, I put some blue-painted aquarium gravel my sister was throwing away in the bottom (I'm not sure painted gravel is healthy for fish, though it would have looked pretty). I put in some attractive-looking small plants from my yard: ground ivy, violet, bulbous buttercup, forget-me-not, some moss, and a piece of branch from a tree I pruned with some lichen growing on it. All those plants were growing in areas I needed to clear and there's a lot more of them out there still. These might need a cold dormant period to stay healthy, rather than being room-temperature all year round, so I don't know how this will work out.
Seriously...if we don't get some sun soon my pineapple sage isn't going to make it. :(
My herbs are growing a little...maybe they need re-potting. None of my flowers have bloomed yet but I think they are late bloomers. I ended up getting a special plant that is meant to keep cats out of the garden (not harmful, they just dont like the smell)
Its really stinky!
I'm thinking of digging up my sage and potting it in a big planter. It was doing so well before I planted it in the ground. Maybe it doesn't like my soil.
I'd take pics now; but it's pouring out. :p I planted lemon-cucumbers last week, and I already have shoots. I've never eaten them before, so I'm excited. :p

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