Who is your favorite vegan celebrity?

I got the impression that the Los Angeles Times never really liked Snoop Dogg and would often try to discredit him. For many years, every time he seemed to get into trouble with law enforcement, they’d run a big, breathless piece about it, and include his real name, as if to say, “ Look, he’s not a real musician, just some punk kid from the hood.” I’m sure that message resonated with their average readers, older white people who didn’t understand rap, or black people.

But Snoop Dogg just kept on doing what Snoop Dogg does, and here’s the results:

I love Snoop Dogg.
I thought this was interesting.
Didn't know who Nigella was before and now I want to totally ignore her.
The best part of the article is at the end where they summarize some of the stories about celebrities who ARE vegan.

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Here is a new category: Youngest Vegan Celebrity.
And the award goes to Rylea Nevaeh Whittet, the little girl on the Netflix Series Maid, at just 5 years old.

Rylea's Instagram account (which her parents manage) includes the 🌱 emoji sign universally recognized as a symbol for vegan. It also includes some of her favorite emojis – a ladybug and cat 🐞🐈. Rylea loves posing for pictures with her "ginger cat" Teddy and is an avid animal lover.

For more information on how to raise healthy kids like Rylea on a vegan diet read Food Diary of a Plant-Based Six-Year-Old and Plant-Based Parenting: How to Raise a Vegan Athlete and Ignore the Naysayers.

Read More: Young Star of Maid Is Vegan. What She Ate on Set | The Beet | Young Star of Maid Is Vegan. What She Ate on Set | The Beet

the 🌱 emoji sign universally recognized as a symbol for vegan.
What? Wait! no one told me.

So Cute!
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The vegan celebrity bandwagon has left the station!

Drew recommends Quorn. Not sure if this is like a paid endorsement - Drew is Quorn's Chief Mom Officer

BTW, I don't think I've ever seen a Quorn vegan product in the grocery store.
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The vegan celebrity bandwagon has left the station!

Drew recommends Quorn. Not sure if this is like a paid endorsement - Drew is Quorn's Chief Mom Officer

BTW, I don't think I've ever seen a Quorn vegan product in the grocery store.
Quorn seems like a bad food to recommend to someone who's already having digestion problems!
I'm alright with it, but many people have complained of horrid problems, I guess the mycoprotein.
Yeah, Quorn has had vegan spicy chik patties and nuggets for some time. Thats the only one I've had, but pretty sure they have others like grounds. Not my favorite by a longshot. I still like Boca & Morningstar spicy chik
I loooooove Quorn. I can’t always find the vegan ones though.
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“If you had to be a cannibal, who would you eat?” Fallon wanted to know.​
“Well I’m vegan so it’s even worse for me. I wouldn’t…” Gervais began to reply.​
“What about Paul McCartney? He’s vegan,” Fallon joked.​
“Well that doesn’t make any difference if you eat someone who’s vegan, you’re still eating meat, aren’t you? If you eat a cow that doesn’t make you vegan because you’re eating an animal that’s vegan,” Gervais retorted.​
“So you wouldn’t eat Paul McCartney, even if you had the chance?” The host asked.​
“Well I’d rather not eat anyone!” Gervais replied.​

“If you had to be a cannibal, who would you eat?” Fallon wanted to know.​
“Well I’m vegan so it’s even worse for me. I wouldn’t…” Gervais began to reply.​
“What about Paul McCartney? He’s vegan,” Fallon joked.​
“Well that doesn’t make any difference if you eat someone who’s vegan, you’re still eating meat, aren’t you? If you eat a cow that doesn’t make you vegan because you’re eating an animal that’s vegan,” Gervais retorted.​
“So you wouldn’t eat Paul McCartney, even if you had the chance?” The host asked.​
“Well I’d rather not eat anyone!” Gervais replied.​

I don't know why people assume that Paul McCartney is vegan as he's been vegetarian since the 1970's.
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