I used to enjoy philosophical discussions. But it seems like whenever I wade into one here on the forum I feel like I'm wading into a quagmire.
Morality does not exist in the animal kingdom. It's a human construct. Animal behavior is not right or wrong. Well, of course, there are exceptions. I think when my sister's dog chewed up my new headphones, that was BAD.
we can't project morality on animals. morals imply a shared dialog. You can't talk to lions or hyenas or dogs about their behavior. (Well, you can talk to dogs - not sure it makes a difference, tho).
Almost everybody uses morals and ethics interchangabilty. I get them mixed up all the time. the general idea is that ethics is something that is imposed. Maybe from a higher power but most often from our own community. Vegans are a society. And they have their own ethical standards. Morals, I think is something that is influenced by your culture, religion.
Another distinction is that ethics might allow for more subjectivity.
Frequently when I head into a philosophical quagmire I bring along the vegan guidelines. I didn't invent them. A bunch of other guys did. but when I decided to be vegan I implicitly agreed to vegan ethics.
The Society now defines veganism as "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.
Although that seems pretty clear to me the thing is that "as far as possible and practicalbe" is subjective. So we have our guidelines but we don't have any hard and fast rules.
That is actually one of my favorite things about veganism. It allows for personal subjective decision making. So each vegan gets to decide for themselves.
Probably my least favorite thing is that it allows for people to get into long and involved philosophical debates. Sometimes relying on dessert islands, guns to your head, and trolleys. Not to mention dumpsters.
For me, Dr. Melanie Joy, (who is a psychologist, not a philosopher) put the pin in this when she wrote, "Be as vegan as possible".