So as I've recently started eating strictly vegetarian (after dropping eggs and dairy) I've started to search for a supplement for B12.
I live in Zurich and the only brand I've come upon was...
There is myth that Vitamin B12 can be acquired only by eating animal based products however in reality cobalamin or methylcobalamin is produced by specific bacteria such as lactobacillus reuteri to name a few and our ancestors would get it by drinking from natural water sources or eating not...
I am literally so furious right now.. I just read an article that 90% of all the B12 supplements produced in the world are fed to livestock, because they don't naturally contain it. Is this a joke? This was literally the main "argument" thrown at me my entire life, the only point about the...
I've been on vegan diet about a month. I was always red in the face and i never had stiffy running nose problems and i never had pimples. since i was vegan i began to have running nose problem, and i look pale and have small pimples on my face. I thought i wasn't getting enough, so i bought...
Hi dear Vegan community!
This week I had a doctor appointment to discuss my B12 deficiency. She gave me a Liquid containing 1000mcg Methylcobalamin per ml and told me to take 3ml (3000mcg) per day for the first two weeks and then continue taking 1ml (1000mcg) per day.
As the DGE (Germany's...
Researchers from University of Kent have found that watercress can absorb cobalamin from the soil, and thereby make it available to humans.
More: Researchers Make Breakthrough Discovery With Plant-Based B12 (26. May 2018)
The study was published in Cell Chemical Biology...
Do you think this could have been a B12 deficiency issue? Could a deficiency start so fast in an active person?
My first week of being Vegan and I think I already messed up and freaked myself out. I was doing fine and feeling great until the 8th day. That day I felt really tired, dizzy...
We wanted to let you guys know about our vegan giveaway this month featuring our sho balance (vegan probiotic) and sho energy (vegan b vitamins & matcha) + several other great vegan products.
thanksgiving promotion
I purchased a b 12 high quality whole foods supplement. I need to get my d2 levels up so i bought d2 drops and d3 drops. I don't want my iron levels to go down. How to maintain a nutrient dense vegan diet? Any recommended foods? Supplements? Thanks
Hi All,
Just joined here, I've been vegan for 6 weeks and I'm feeling really exhausted. I started off well eating homemade chilli and curry, fruit, lots of spinach, lentils, beans etc.
What's gone wrong recently is I've started to eat lots of carbs, I've gained weight (and hit the peanut...
Hi there.
First of all I want to thank the members of this forum for being so supportive. Half a year of being a vegan would be much harder without your advice and support. I had some health problems in the beginning which you helped figure out. Did my blood tests, which showed extremely low...
From the people at meatfreeathlete comes what sounds like my supplement from here on out0 Complement!
I've been taking B12 sublinguals, vegan DHA/EPA caps, and D3. Complement is a spray combining them all, and at a great price when you realize you're only paying for one thing rather than three...
Mussels are not sentient. Would you have a problem with someone eating them and still calling themselves vegan? Sure, technically they are animals, but I'm more concerned with ethics than specifics. They have minimal to no affect on the environment when harvesting. My morals and standards still...
Firstly Hi I'm new to this!
I'm Kirstie and I've been vegan since March this year.
Here's the low down,
I've taken on more hours at work. I'm training to be a Supervisor for customer service at waitrose. So a lot of running around lately and stress with Christmas just around the corner.
Hello - I am a relatively new vegan and have been substituting my diet with B12 boost oral spray (4 squirts a day). I noticed over the last two or so weeks that my legs have become insanely itchy - I mean rip the skin off itchy and then happened to notice one of the side effects of B12 is...
Hi guys,
I saw a few posts on people feeling under-the-weather and once I like you thought that if we are eating so many fruits and vegetables - why are we getting sick?
The video that illuminated the issue for me is this:
Dr. Michael Greger talks about why a 40 year vegan dies of a heart...
Hey guys.
I was curious, I am planning to give being a vegan a go for a few weeks at a time to introduce myself to a new healthy lifestyle. There are just a few things I'm unsure about and i was wondering if anyone could advise me...
Currently I work two jobs, and have a little money to spare...
So, this thread will possibly end up being a little personal if others respond to it. I don't mind that - there are so many conflicting anecdotes about what to expect, as a woman at different stages of life, when going vegan. It occurred to me that since it is also quite an emotional topic we...
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