CA A&W Beyond burger

Emma JC

Forum Legend
Jun 15, 2017
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  1. Vegan
I thought I saw someone post about this, over the past couple of days, and now I can't find it so maybe I was hallucinating? :)

On July 9th, A&W, a fast food chain in Canada, started serving the Beyond Burger and I decided to try it yesterday. It was delicious. I did order it with no mayo and no cheese as their mayo is not vegan. There has been a petition started to ask them to include a vegan mayo. If you click on the link above it shows the ingredients and it mentions the canola oil they use in a pan, so this makes me think they just might cook it separately from their meat burgers and that would be nice.

They advertise it was just 500 calories and that includes the mayo, I believe, so leaving it off reduces the fat content and the calories. This is not something I would have on a regular basis, it is just nice to know that it is out there as alternative when out with family/friends. Certainly much much tastier than the the Harvey's veggie burger.

A&W sold out on the first day, in many locations and that is wonderful. Many non-vegans will eat it and thus save many cows, some of the environment and improve their health.


Emma JC
It's really good to see places making an effort, despite their shortcomings. I've never tried a Beyond burger, so I am very tempted. I have driven by several A&W's, seeing the new advertisement on their billboards. Hmm...maybe a bit of ketchup and mustard instead of mayo?

I've noticed the odd pub, locally, also offering the Beyond burger. This is a great thing to see. It's really becoming the norm to have vegetarian and vegan options nowadays. I don't think it's because these places pity us either. There's clearly money to be made, and A&W jumped on the idea. It won't be long before McDonald's jumps onboard too. It also helps give them a somewhat better image, despite the factory farmed meats they use, and will continue to use.

Oh, are the buns egg and dairy free at A&W? That would also be a concern for me at this time. I can live without the mayo, but I don't want egg or dairy in my breads.

Yes, as long as you stick with the sesame bun that comes with it, it is egg and dairy free - apparently their whole wheat bun has eggs, go figure. It does come with mustard and ketchup and all the ingredients are in the link to it above.

Props to them, I actually bought 2 yesterday and my honey wasn't hungry so I put the other one in the fridge, just reheated it in the microwave for one minute and it was a good as yesterday. The bun did not get soggy. I dipped it in their siracha sauce as it is vegan also, some of their sauces are not.

Try it, you'll like it. :)

Emma JC
That is very cool! I don't live near an A&W, but I just heard a day or two ago about this! This is a big step!
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Well, shoot, I thought I wrote a thread or something on the news article that White Castle sold out of Beyond Burgers. But NOW I can't find it.

But absolutely this is good news for us vegans. In a related news story there was a report that most of the people who bought these things were NOT vegans or vegetarians. Just people looking for a healthier alternative.

It's still good news for US.

There is a Subway next to my gym. So I eat there way more often than I should. But the thing that freaked me out was that their whole grain wheat (my first choice) wasn't vegan - and not because of the usual reasons. They add nonvegan vitamin D3 to it. If I remember right Subway's sourdough is vegan. There may be others - but I like sourdough. So that ended my investigation.

Oh! and in some areas, Subway has added even more vegan menu items.
I will be so happy when the burgers come to the USA. I love buying them occasionally from the store. I got a package for the bbq I went to the other day. I absolutely love those burgers. I loved the taste of meat and I love when suitable alternatives come out.
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From website:


Water, Pea Protein Isolate, Expeller-Pressed Canola Oil, Refined Coconut Oil, Contains 2% or less of the following: Cellulose from Bamboo, Methylcellulose, Potato Starch, Natural Flavor, Maltodextrin, Yeast Extract, Salt, Sunflower Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, Dried Yeast, Gum Arabic, Citrus Extract (to protect quality), Ascorbic Acid (to maintain color), Beet Juice Extract (for color), Acetic Acid, Succinic Acid, Modified Food Starch, Annatto (for color).

All ingredients from Non-GMO sources

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 Patty, 4 oz (113g)
Servings Per Container: 2

Amount Per Serving
Calories from fat 170
% Daily Value*
Total Fat
Saturated Fat 5g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Total Carbohydrate
Dietary Fiber 3g
Sugars 0g
Protein 20g
Vitamin A

Vitamin C

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs

I can't get excited about this. Leaving aside my views on protein isolates (dislike) and a large calorie component of a non-food (isolate oils) - the burger patties are a measly 3g fiber, plus whatever is in the buns, lettuce and pickles.

It may taste great (yeast extract seems to be the main component here, which anyone can get just using something like Vegemite) - but does it satisfy hunger?

100g of lentils have 30g of fiber. 100g of oats, 11g. 2 slices of the "wholewheat" bread I buy is 4g. If I'm relying on this bread, which I have done in the past, I have to eat a whole lot of it in a meal just to feel satisfied. If I'm having lentils I usually have at least 2 handfuls (or around 80g total), plus brown rice or potatoes, plus vegetables. That's a lot of fiber to help fill me up and feed the bacteria in my gut.

If I eat this burger, will I need 2? 3? 4?

If the general meat eating public eats it will they be hungry in an hour and come to the conclusion that vegan food doesn't satisfy? Because I know that would likely be my thought.

Vegan food that is as expensive as burgers but leaves you hungry is not a win for veganism.
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I would not eat them for the same reason as you, but lets face it, no one eats fast food because it's good for you. The fact is when you put the nutrition facts beside a real hamburger and compare them, the Beyond burger is still way better for you. I wouldn't order French Fries either, because I personally don't want the oil in my diet. However, I think you're missing the entire point of the Beyond burger in fast food chains. It's vegan, and it's fast food. It's making a statement.

It's also news worthy, since this is certainly a huge step for fast food vendors to be taking. It's means vegans are being noticed as a real consumer. This whole Beyond burger at A&W actually promotes veganism in a positive way. So personal dislikes aside, this is still a positive step for the meat eating world to be taking.

I think we're going to see more fast food vendors offering veggie and vegan options in the near future. It's a potential market that is currently being missed by most fast food restaurants. I don't think A&W is doing this to save the environment or the animals, if you know what I mean.

Is it good nutrition? Certainly not! Is it fun? Sure, it is! It's mostly a novelty for me. It's like Gardein products to me. They do taste good, but they're loaded with the same oils as well. They're novelties, for special occasions at best for me. I don't think any intelligent vegan is going to eat Gardein or Beyond Meats for the nutritional value. It's a novelty...nothing more.


I understand what you are saying, however I think there are a lot of people, especially non-vegans, that would not look at this way.

For example: When I was a meat eater and wanted a fast food meal I'd often get a whopper or double whopper meal at Burger King, or a Big Mac meal at McDonald's. Often when I went to McD's I'd get a whopper, plus 2 hamburgers, or 2 whoppers at Burger King. Enough meat to satisfy my microbiome at that time which depended on it to feel full and get some nutrition from.

As a vegan having looked into the nutritional pitfalls of flesh consumption, I now understand that the things I was seeking: vitamins, minerals and just general satisfaction from food comes in a package that is really bad for me.

But as a meat eater who may have just heard about veganism I might be curious. Hey...there's a vegan option! Let's see how that goes. I try, I eat. I'm still hungry. Maybe 2 or even 3 and I'm still hungry.

My conclusion would be that the meat satisfied while the vegan "meat" didn't. This matters because people who are just seeking to get something to keep them going for a while will notice.
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What's extraordinary is the majority of people buying them, currently, are curious meat eaters.

If I can confirm they cook them on a separate grill or a clean part of the grill just for veggie burgers, I'd consider trying one for the novelty. However, I don't want my food cooked on the same grills as meat, anymore than I want my French Fries cooked in the same oil as they cooked their chicken. I don't miss hamburgers enough to take that chance.
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I was so ****** yesterday. I went for a beyond burger with my friend, as she was bent on having some fast food. After I told her about the beyond burger at A&W, we decided to go there. So she ordered first, and then I ordered second. I clearly asked for mine to be vegan, no mayo, cheese or sauce, etc. I very specifically asked for just ketchup, mustard, and the default veggie toppings.

I was not suspecting any mistakes, so I trusted them. About half way through my burger is when I noticed they had mistakenly added mayo. I know it was a mistake, but it's one I will never repeat, as I will never order another one as long as I live. I felt sick afterwards, which was probably just in my head, but whatever. It did however turn a fun lunch date into a very negative experience. Customer service was apologetic, but that's about it. Very disappointing!

So just a word of caution to anyone ordering out in a non-vegan restaurant, never assume they got your order right. It might be a good idea to lift the bun up and actually see what they've done. Unless I'm in an exclusively vegan restaurant, I will never assume again.

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I was so ****** yesterday. I went for a beyond burger with my friend, as she was bent on having some fast food. After I told her about the beyond burger at A&W, we decided to go there. So she ordered first, and then I ordered second. I clearly asked for mine to be vegan, no mayo, cheese or sauce, etc. I very specifically asked for just ketchup, mustard, and the default veggie toppings.

I was not suspecting any mistakes, so I trusted them. About half way through my burger is when I noticed they had mistakenly added mayo. I know it was a mistake, but it's one I will never repeat, as I will never order another one as long as I live. I felt sick afterwards, which was probably just in my head, but whatever. It did however turn a fun lunch date into a very negative experience. Customer service was apologetic, but that's about it. Very disappointing!

So just a word of caution to anyone ordering out in a non-vegan restaurant, never assume they got your order right. It might be a good idea to lift the bun up and actually see what they've done. Unless I'm in an exclusively vegan restaurant, I will never assume again.

That sucks! :( What also sucks is that i think you have to say you are allergic for them to care. In the US it means a potential lawsuit fur them ($$$) if someone has a reaction after having informed the staff of their allergy. At the end of the day, all these places care about are their profits and losses.

It's been so long since I've had even a frozen veggie burger of any kind, but I've got some Dr. Pragers in the freezer bc they we on sale and my kid eats them. I thought I had a craving for one last night. ... I don't even know why I ate it - it was SO oily. I'm literally grossed out this morning about it. Weird how your tastes change. I absolutely find fried food and food drowning in oil repulsive now. How oil is made, packaged, and sold as food is as amazing to me as is animal flesh sold the same way.

When i go to Subway now, i get a wrap because the tortillas are so much better than their bread, which tastes like cardboard to me. ... Had no idea their whole grain bread (ahem, cardboard) wasn't vegan :/
I was so ****** yesterday. I went for a beyond burger with my friend, as she was bent on having some fast food. After I told her about the beyond burger at A&W, we decided to go there. So she ordered first, and then I ordered second. I clearly asked for mine to be vegan, no mayo, cheese or sauce, etc. I very specifically asked for just ketchup, mustard, and the default veggie toppings.

I was not suspecting any mistakes, so I trusted them. About half way through my burger is when I noticed they had mistakenly added mayo. I know it was a mistake, but it's one I will never repeat, as I will never order another one as long as I live. I felt sick afterwards, which was probably just in my head, but whatever. It did however turn a fun lunch date into a very negative experience. Customer service was apologetic, but that's about it. Very disappointing!

So just a word of caution to anyone ordering out in a non-vegan restaurant, never assume they got your order right. It might be a good idea to lift the bun up and actually see what they've done. Unless I'm in an exclusively vegan restaurant, I will never assume again.


I am so sorry that this happened to you, Veganite. You are so correct, it is always best to check twice and know that there is no guarantee. Do you think maybe she had yours and you had hers?

Even before we changed the way we eat we found that "eating out" junk or not, had lost its lustre. Especially higher end restaurants... we were always disappointed compared to how we cooked at home. Tastiness, quality, service it was definitely better at home. Nothing has changed and the difference is even more pronounced now. If I am going to eat a burger, I make it at home and the same with all the other options. To pay $20 or more dollars for a "vegan" burger and another $5+ for home fries or sweet potato fries is just crazy when I can buy 4 burgers for $5 and then prepare the fixings exactly how I like them.

Being on the road is the only reason I would eat a beyond burger or the like again and even then I tend to pack a lot of food, when we travel, so we don't end up having to eat '_rap".

I know from watching YouTube that there are many good vegan restaurants out there and more power to them, that is not the case where I live and I am so happy to have great grocery stores and health food stores (wish we had a Trader Joe's) and so happy to eat at home.

Emma JC
Beyond Burgers are very similar to hamburger patties in terms of calories, protein and fat. The main difference is that it has zero cholesterol and of course no animal products.

The allegations that it wouldn't satisfy a meat eater are ridiculous given these facts.

I like Beyond Burgers I've eaten them at local restaurants and at home and they're actually more filling than some vegan products.

Good to hear that Canada has this option now.
Yes, A&W sold out of them in the first few weeks they had them. Obviously they restocked but it took a month or more for them to do so. I don't think you can buy them anywhere else here.

Emma JC

In the county where I live I'm very lucky that we have house made vegan burgers, vegan Mexican food, and the Beyond Burger at a couple spots. We do lack a completely vegan restaurant mainly due to being an area traditionally known for logging and dairy farming, but we do have an excellent vegetarian restaurant that is locally owned and they can be trusted to veganize 98-99 percent of the menu.

I like going out for the novelty, atmosphere and company. I might go nuts if I could only order lettuce salad and a plate of pickles.
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I thought I saw someone post about this, over the past couple of days, and now I can't find it so maybe I was hallucinating? :)

On July 9th, A&W, a fast food chain in Canada, started serving the Beyond Burger and I decided to try it yesterday. It was delicious. I did order it with no mayo and no cheese as their mayo is not vegan. There has been a petition started to ask them to include a vegan mayo. If you click on the link above it shows the ingredients and it mentions the canola oil they use in a pan, so this makes me think they just might cook it separately from their meat burgers and that would be nice.

They advertise it was just 500 calories and that includes the mayo, I believe, so leaving it off reduces the fat content and the calories. This is not something I would have on a regular basis, it is just nice to know that it is out there as alternative when out with family/friends. Certainly much much tastier than the the Harvey's veggie burger a&w menu prices canada.

A&W sold out on the first day, in many locations and that is wonderful. Many non-vegans will eat it and thus save many cows, some of the environment and improve their health.


Emma JC
Hello. I recently tried an A&W burger, and I'm curious about something. I noticed that they serve their burgers with a unique seasoning that gives them a distinct flavor. Does anyone know what's in it or how they make it? I've been craving that flavor ever since, and I'd love to recreate it at home if possible. Also, what are your favorite A&W burger combinations or menu items? I'm looking to try something new on my next visit. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!