Health Issues Anyone with an Eating disorders?


Forum Novice
Dec 1, 2012
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  1. Vegan newbie
Is there anyone here who has a eating disorder i have EDNOS ( Eating disorder not otherwise specified) Am just starting to recover from it i get no help for it because i am Obese i asked my dr if i could see a dietion /nutritionist but she said my BMI ( Body Mass Index ) is too high to see one She also said i cant see one because am not diabetic the BMI for getting treatment for eating disorder is 17 mine is 41 ( fat i know )
So i cant help any help at all I was diagnosed with OCD ( Obsessive compulsive Disorder) and i will be seeing a Therapist about that in 6 months as there is a waiting list on the NHS and i cant afford to see one without the NHS Paying for it

Anyway is there any one here who has an eating disorder
I become veggie not because of my eating disorder but for the fact i love animals
well, my BMI is around 50, if that's any consolation. :p

I didn't give up eggs and dairy for my health, but I have lost around 10 stone since I did, around seven years more marsbars and wotsits etc...

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes back in 2008(ish) to avoid....lost some of my feeling in my feet when I went on a binge with syrup the other year.
The NHS is great in so many ways but not when it comes to eating disorders. The whole bmi thing is ridiculous! Not all people with eating disorders are emaciated - they really need to reevaluate how they are diagnosed. It is a mental health problem & should not be based on weight alone. Perhaps if you change doctors/really push for some help you will be able to get referred to a therapist or something. I think you really have to fight for this kind of help.

I have similar problems & ocd too. I wish you all the best with your recovery. :)