I need to brag a bit. As I'm a bit proud of myself now. If you have problem reading about body weight and weight loss, skip my post.
1. I haven't drinken sodas or sugery drinks in two weeks now. Not a single drop. I'm very addicted to my soda, so I can't just have one. It starts with one bottle (0.5 liters) Friday and Saturday. Then one bottle a day as "I can count them as my calories". And then one more and one more and I'm suddenly back at 1.5 to 2 liters a day. Yeah. I can be that bad... After the Easter, I recycled all my soda bottles and I was a bit ashamed how much I drank...
2. Have a stoped eating candies.
3. I have gotten a better grip on my eating habbits. I eat for comfort. I'm very aware of that. And that is one of the reason I put on weight and struggle to loose weight. Since I don't need much calories to have my body going for a day, it's very fast for me to overeat on the calories. If I eat 2500 kcal a day example, even when I run, hike, work etc, I put on weight. So far I don't count calories, I will start that when I get on a platou and partly count when I start on my food trial again.
4. I have lost 4.1 kg in two weeks now.

I'm very happy with that, and know that it's not going to be so fast all the time, but it's a good start this time.
I'm very motivated this time. I really need to finally do this. And I'm looking forward to start to run again. I have put a weight goal for when I'm starting with running, as I have had several inflamations in my legs this winter, so I want it to be not so heavy for my legs to run. Since I walk a lot in a good pace too, it's no problem to wait a bit with running.
During Easter and this corona time, there have been a couple of "body activist" (as they call themself) in the media to complain a bit. I have read the articles and looked a bit up on them on Instagram, and I have to say I disagree with them a lot. And I'm fat, so I'm allowed.
First of all one of them claimed it's no danger putting on weight, so that makes all sience so far just being fake news about how dangerous it is to be too heavy. Since I read that on Instagram.

Then another of them complain about people posting about their workouts on Instagram. Just unfollow them then, and find fat people to follow is my thought. If people can't body shame you for being too big or eat too much, don't body shame others for what they do and look like. It goes both ways in my head.
Then it's a complain about that the beauty ideal is so narrow when it comes to bodies and weight. But why focus on that? Not everyone have a body to be in size 0 or what ever that is the beauty ideal. Have a health ideal. If you look at the BMI (yeah, I know this isn't the best, but honestly, I don't know anyone that can claim they have a BMI on 42 because of their muscles...), but it's a small guidence. If I look at myself, my weight range to still be in the normal BMI is 17 kg. 17!! That's quite a lot and shows that a healty body isn't neccessary a size 0. But sometimes it looks like several thinks that if I can't be size 0, it's not worth the job.
People have to be the size they want to be and there is so many reason why people gain weight and can't loose. But in the end, there are few of us that have a medical condition that says it's impossible to have a normal BMI. It's just harder for someone and easier for others. We underestimate how much calories we take in a day and we over estimate how acitve we are very often.