The weird thing with me I've been starting to notice is how "normal" I've been feeling lately. For several years, I've suffered from low back pain and I've tried everything I can think of to relieve it (accupuncture, yoga, chiropractor, orthodics, core work, etc…), with no long-term success. But now, ever since we've been on the stay at home order, my back has been good. I couldn't tell you the last time I took a tylenol or advil for the pain.
The one thing that is different is that I've really upped my vitamins, beyond just my senior multi. I ready early on that vitamin C, zinc and D could help possibly fight viruses, so I added those. I also added a B12 supplement and a folate. And I added omega 3s, glucosamine and turmeric. All vegan versions.
Do I feel better because I'm doing far less, getting a lot of sleep or because of the vitamins?