Fat vegans. We better not exist.
But ..we can and we do!!!!!!
I can see why you feel this way Kitties.
Bad enough that we have to tolerate the meat eater chant of ' But..how can you be Vegan you are fat?' as we defy their stereo type of Vegans as stick thing yogurt weavers in hemp and sandals.
Worse still to have the same pressure from the very people who should be your sanctuary from all the nonsense?
Basically..there are witless wonders in all areas of life and there is no witless wonder qualifying test to get in to the Vegan community.
We are all just people with just ONE common denominator.
Our intellectual level, experiences,actions and even our value set outside Veganism vary in the same way as any other group. You only have to witness the oceans apart posters are on here on debates about anything that is NOT Vegan to see that !
Ironically we are an alternative and positive image of Veganism with regard to meat eaters. They are convinced that they will end up stick thin and emancipated and we prove the contary. When people level this concern at me I always point to myself and say 'yes I know what you mean look at me fading away ' to which they laugh and agree that I look extremely healthy on it. Yet another one of their handy mis-conceptions dispelled.
from me too. I know where you are and its tough.