Are Vegans Exclusivist? What do you think?

I know that syndrome well. When I was Vegan the first time round (long story) I remember stomping around in moral outrage wanting to shake people by the shoulders and wake them up.

I was totally miserable and alienated because I was carrying all this new appalling information in my head and I needed everyone to see what I had seen.

As a result I beat the drum very loudly and very ..very often.

i'm a serial vegan and i also was a member of the vegan police once. now...i just eat their food.
one area where vegans are quite exclusive is consideration of how social equity and privilege impact veganism. for example, i vehemently believe that those living in less-developed nation could be considered vegan even if they occasionally eat/use animal products due to a subsistence need.

This would be a form of veganism by which meat consumption massively increases as the subsistence need decreases?

In a similar way I'm a dedicated fuel conserver; You won't catch me driving a 5ltr gas-guzzler AMG Mercedes untill I can afford one.
This would be a form of veganism by which meat consumption massively increases as the subsistence need decreases?
In a similar way I'm a dedicated fuel conserver; You won't catch me driving a 5ltr gas-guzzler AMG Mercedes untill I can afford one.

when i run out of food i go to the store and buy more. unfortunately, this is not an option for some of the families i met in rural guatemala (7th day adventist).
i think it's ironic that you used a motor vehicle in your example since they aren't strictly vegan and are a 1st world luxury.
when i run out of food i go to the store and buy more. unfortunately, this is not an option for some of the families i met in rural guatemala (7th day adventist).
i think it's ironic that you used a motor vehicle in your example since they aren't strictly vegan and are a 1st world luxury.

I totally see where you're coming from, I'd just have a hard time considering those people vegan.

Doesn't mean they aren't deserving of my sympathy, or that I blame them for doing what they do in their circumstances, or that they wouldn't be vegan if they had the chance.

Just that the descriptor 'vegan' doesn't apply to them in that case.
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Fat vegans. We better not exist. It's huge shame on the community. Unfortunately I have turned my fat *** around and I no longer support the vegan and animal based organization I used to after something that was said by one of their speakers at an event.

Are some vegans jerks? They sure are. I've experienced it myself. I'm so sick of feeling isolated by everything. Believe me if I could kick my eating disorder of comforting myself with food, I'd have done it years ago.

I appreciate your video to a degree but I can't help thinking you are what the "vegan community" wants when it comes to a physical appearance. Not me. Do the animals care what I look like? Of coarse not. But I can only take so much.
Fat vegans. We better not exist. It's huge shame on the community. Unfortunately I have turned my fat *** around and I no longer support the vegan and animal based organization I used to after something that was said by one of their speakers at an event.

Are some vegans jerks? They sure are. I've experienced it myself. I'm so sick of feeling isolated by everything. Believe me if I could kick my eating disorder of comforting myself with food, I'd have done it years ago.

I appreciate your video to a degree but I can't help thinking you are what the "vegan community" wants when it comes to a physical appearance. Not me. Do the animals care what I look like? Of coarse not. But I can only take so much.

Yeah, that's grossly a big talking point when advocates are talking up the vegan movement. How much weight you'll lose!

So many things wrong with that notion... not least of all, the fact that there is a **** TON of very fattening vegan food, and that "vegan" doesn't automatically mean pristine zero calorie crap.

Do these people talk themselves into thinking that all vegan food is basically kale? Or do they just refuse to believe that vegan candy bars exist, and are delicious? And where is their respect for the people on their side who don't necessarily fit their skewed ideals?

Kind-of like the feminists who throw other women under the bus in order to gain approval. "Oh, we're not all hairy man-hating lesbians..."

To hell with that self-destructive, hurtful junk.
Fat vegans. We better not exist. It's huge shame on the community.

I'm sorry to hear that some a-hole(s) gave you jip over that, Kitties. :(

I'm quite surprised too!

It's emaciated vegans that worry me because it's they who enforce the veganism=malnourishment myth and stereotype.

For what it's worth I think that having vegans of all shapes and sizes (above emaciated, of course) is cool.

Disorders, by definition of not being good for the person(s) who suffer them, are not cool though.

May I offer you one of these :hug: and remind you that you have many friends behind you for support when you feel ready to sort your eating disorder out?
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Fat vegans. We better not exist.

But ..we can and we do!!!!!!

I can see why you feel this way Kitties.

Bad enough that we have to tolerate the meat eater chant of ' can you be Vegan you are fat?' as we defy their stereo type of Vegans as stick thing yogurt weavers in hemp and sandals.

Worse still to have the same pressure from the very people who should be your sanctuary from all the nonsense?

Basically..there are witless wonders in all areas of life and there is no witless wonder qualifying test to get in to the Vegan community.

We are all just people with just ONE common denominator.

Our intellectual level, experiences,actions and even our value set outside Veganism vary in the same way as any other group. You only have to witness the oceans apart posters are on here on debates about anything that is NOT Vegan to see that !

Ironically we are an alternative and positive image of Veganism with regard to meat eaters. They are convinced that they will end up stick thin and emancipated and we prove the contary. When people level this concern at me I always point to myself and say 'yes I know what you mean look at me fading away ' to which they laugh and agree that I look extremely healthy on it. Yet another one of their handy mis-conceptions dispelled.

:kiss: from me too. I know where you are and its tough.
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Thank you everyone for your replies. Thank you FortyTwo.

It really is hard. Especially when something and a place I really enjoyed going to, I won't anymore. I really think this is one area most people don't even want to talk about so I really appreciate your replies and support.

When are some of these organizations going to realize it's about the compassion and the animals not a look.
When are some of these organizations going to realize it's about the compassion and the animals not a look.

Sod the animals, it's all about compassion for ourselves I say!

I say that simply because people with absolute compassion for themselves would never harm animals, or other people, in the first place.

That's kinda because absolute (great/true/whatever) compassion recognises that whatever harm we do to other(s) is also harm to self.

Absolute (great/true/whatever) compassion is like absolute/great/true love though.

It's as gentle as it is allowed to be but has no limits on how tough it can get when needs must.