Bigotry etc.

That doesn't sound like a pleasant place at all, Cornsail.

I don't think anyone should be banned for saying abortion is wrong, but if they argue against abortion at the same time as saying things like women are to blame when they're raped, and women deserve unwanted babies for having sex, and women need men to make decisions for them because they're emotional and weak, and whenever a woman disagrees with a man it's because she's pre-menstrual, then that person isn't just displaying a different opinion to the feminist majority but is actually demeaning people and making a significant number of community members feel uncomfortable and insulted. For me, that's the difference.

Holy run on sentence Batman! And after all that, Spang said it in about 10 words.

Women are too weak and emotional to make decisions!

Women are entirely responsible for carrying their baby to term because that was their decision!

It's like, make up your mind!
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I detested him from the day he posted that the reason his daughter was screwed up was because she hadn't accepted her share of the responsibility for being raped at thirteen or for ruining the life of her rapist by allowing herself to be raped. His ex wife was also responible for raising the girl wrong. When I pushed him about his share of the responsibility, he finally admitted to bearing a little - he hadn't been careful enough about the kind of woman he chose to impregnate.

That he apparently sees himself as an underappreciated prophet of true virtue and of his own twisted version of Buddhism is just icing on the cake.

Everything else he posted was tame in comparison. For myself, I can deal with male chauvinists and misogynists - it's amusing to slap them around verbally from time to time. That guy is in his own class of awful - he makes my skin crawl.
And what about our male friend of the dirt, who believed that someone impaled on a crashed bus was comparable to a fetus in someone's uterus?

One time I was debating him about snails, and he said that it was okay for him to kill them because they were eating his garden. I backed him into a logical corner and he literally just stopped responding to me. He responded to people in the same thread, just not my debate. Even after I called him out on it like eight times.

Also, he continually insisted he wanted to crossdress. Was he joking? Was he serious? I really don't know. That was just weird in and of itself, given his other apparent opinions.
Everything else he posted was tame in comparison. For myself, I can deal with male chauvinists and misogynists - it's amusing to slap them around verbally from time to time. That guy is in his own class of awful - he makes my skin crawl.

The barbary ape comment was a classic too. I don't know if you missed that one.
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As an example: I think if you oppose same-sex marriage, you shouldn't be banned. But if you think gay people are faggots, you should probably be banned.

What if you think that gay people are against God's will and are going to hell?
I dont know why some people will defend the idea of hell, it is like they like it. Its like those people who prepare for the end of the world at a certain date and are then disappointed that it doesnt happen. Why would you want the end of the world?
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I dont know why some people will defend the idea of hell, it is like they like it. Its like those people who prepare for the end of the world at a certain date and are then disappointed that it doesnt happen. Why would you want the end of the world?

Well, for the most part, they don't think they are going to hell. They like it because they think that all the people they don't like or don't approve of will go to hell.

I have to say that I would like to think that all the people who get by with all kinds of cruelty in life will someday be punished for it. It would make things less frustrating, less unjust, if there were some final reckoning. Unfortunately, I don't think there is. But I understand why the idea of heaven and hell is an attractive one, one in which people want to believe.
Christianity seems awfully confused on who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. I hear some say that we're all sinners and all that matters if whether you accept Jesus as your savior. I hear others say that homosexuals can't get to heaven, that God is already punishing us for our terrible morals with natural disasters and such.

Anyway, I don't think anyone deserves eternal punishment. That idea is abhorrent to me.
At the risk of really going off topic I just need to share this.... Relgion is my peeve. Or rather I should say people who force their beliefs, or in someway assume you arent a good person because you dont have a 'relationship' with God.
I was told this once. That because I had shared a bed with my boyfriend (even though there was no sex), listen to edgy music and swear I was not a good person, that I needed to find God and that he would Pray for me to find God.

I was so offended, this guy knows NOTHING about me other than what I listed above and makes that assumption. Christian spirit my backside!
Christianity seems awfully confused on who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. I hear some say that we're all sinners and all that matters if whether you accept Jesus as your savior. I hear others say that homosexuals can't get to heaven, that God is already punishing us for our terrible morals with natural disasters and such.

Anyway, I don't think anyone deserves eternal punishment. That idea is abhorrent to me.

Oh, I agree. I was just describing what the basic appeal of hell is.

Yeah, eternal punishment sounds extreme. But I can also understand that if one's child were tortured to death, one wouldn't particularly care for the idea of the perp spending say fifty years in hell and then the rest of eternity in heaven.