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That doesn't sound like a pleasant place at all, Cornsail.
I don't think anyone should be banned for saying abortion is wrong, but if they argue against abortion at the same time as saying things like women are to blame when they're raped, and women deserve unwanted babies for having sex, and women need men to make decisions for them because they're emotional and weak, and whenever a woman disagrees with a man it's because she's pre-menstrual, then that person isn't just displaying a different opinion to the feminist majority but is actually demeaning people and making a significant number of community members feel uncomfortable and insulted. For me, that's the difference.
Holy run on sentence Batman! And after all that, Spang said it in about 10 words.
Women are too weak and emotional to make decisions!
Women are entirely responsible for carrying their baby to term because that was their decision!
It's like, make up your mind!