Hi everyone
I am new to this forum and hoping to get some advice. I changed to a plant based diet just over 6 weeks ago. I am enjoying it so far I definitely starting to feel the benefits apart from the unbelievable bloating. Did anyone else experience this when you changed diet? If so how long did it last and how do you stop it?
I’ve been drinking lots of water and pepper mint tea. Also taking pro biotic but haven’t seen much difference.
Hello Mamashaka!

I understand your pain, because i have this problem too!

For reducing (and even eliminating) your bloating, i would recommend the following things (because i use them as well, and they DO help).
Out of meds, here are two that are effective and relatively safe (i don't know where you are, so i'll just post the names of active ingredients).
1) Simeticone (provides very quick and long-term relief of bloating):
2) Diosmectite (more mild, but also effective, especially if one is new to it):
Herbal (natural) remedies.
1) Fennel seeds (very old and proven remedy):
How to use fennel seeds for bloating, flatulence, indigestion and IBS. Improve digestive function, ease constipation and stop diarrhea with this natural remedy
2) Dried crushed marigold flowers (no one told me about their gas-reducing properties,- i found it out myself). Anyway, marigolds are worth it, because they are loaded with antioxidants and everything:
I recently interviewed Catherine Austin Fitts about her work in exposing corruption and fraud in the banking industry and government.
Also, try and read this:
Do you feel an unnecessary amount of pressure on your stomach after a meal? Does your waistline seem to instantly expand after a hurried lunch? These are the most common signs of abdominal bloating or a swollen tummy.
[.....But pls keep in mind, that excessive bloating may be an indicator of more serious conditions, such as gynaecological diseases and pathological processes].
/Best regards, Unghshu