UK Brexit - should the UK leave the EU?

I'm sorry for all of you who have to ride out the economic downturn despite having wanted to stay.
If the Far Right is celebrating, then this is probably not good for the UK.
I was under the impression that Andy was an Austrian ex-pat, so it seemed rude for him to say Good Riddance to the UK.

He was saying good riddance to those who want to leave the EU. It's the same way I feel about the Texans who want to secede from the U.S.
Oh just never mind. I never learn to just not say anything when everyone else has the same opinion. Carry on, pat one another on the back for having the one correct opinion, I won't bring a different viewpoint from the official stance here anymore.
51.9% for leaving! That's incredible! I didn't think UK people had the balls! :) Congratulations, UK!

Well, now things become very exciting :)

I don't agree with the article. An expat is someone who leaves her own country to live (and usually work) in another country without having an intention to forego her citizenship in her country of origin. I know plenty of Indian and Pakistani expats, for example, and used to know a number from various African countries. They are not immigrants because they have no intention of staying permanently.

If the article tried to make the point that the term "expat" is generally limited to those of the middle class or higher socio/economic standing, it would be more accurate. Poor people (of whatever nationality or color) generally don't have the option of uprooting themselves on a temporary basis in the furtherance of business or professional goals (or to spend their retirement years in a warmer/more exotic locale).
Speaking of expats.... Anyone (NOT from the U.S.) want to adopt a mildly crazy, wildly creative, vegetarian beer-drunk?? :|

Yeah, didn't think so. :pout: Ok, then.

G'night, kids. Hope it all works out, whatever it is. Peace, my friends. :flower:
I admit that my comment was not nice, which is why I put it into spoilers.

The reason I made it, however, is that I think that it nicely sums up the arguments of the "Brexit" camp who want to return to "Little Britain" and want to get rid of everything and everybody they think does not belong into their small vision of the world.

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I've read that the vote is actually non-binding and Parliament still has to vote on it. Any educated (or even non-educated) guesses on how they'll vote? Could they still put the kibosh on leaving?
Well, being British, they can still stay in the EU and claim that they have delivered a "Stern Warning" to Brussels :D
Wow. I didn't think that anyone other than xenophobes could possibly think this a good idea.
The referendum was about whether or not to stay in the European Union. Norwegian voters were asked a similar question 22 years ago, should we or should we not join the European Union? We said no thanks. A majority of UK voters have now also said no thanks. Obviously, all these people are not xenophobes.

Things went relatively well for Norway outside the union. The UK is obviously in different circumstances. Leaving the EU means a change of the status quo. For Norway it was different, as staying outside meant upholding the status quo. So in some sense UK voters have made a leap of faith. They know what they have, but they don't know exactly what they're getting.
We will probably end up having a more right wing government now. I assume this means Jeremy Corbyn will go soon too and then Labour will try to move to a more centrist view and pick up some support.

I admit that my comment was not nice, which is why I put it into spoilers.

The reason I made it, however, is that I think that it nicely sums up the arguments of the "Brexit" camp who want to return to "Little Britain" and want to get rid of everything and everybody they think does not belong into their small vision of the world.

It seems like some people who wanted a Brexit want to return to the 1950s or something.