Cooking oils

Strange, in the UK sunflower oil is as cheap as vegetable oil (i.e. it's the cheapest oil you can get). Canola is more expensive.
I just use extra virgin olive oil for everything :p (I've even used it to get really stubborn make-up off when nothing else was working :p )

We have cheap extra virgin for cooking and then more expensive stuff for salads and dipping. Have the same set up for balsamic vinegar, cheap stuff goes into cooking, the expensive stuff is for salads and dipping. (We often have nice breads which we use the oil and vinegar for dipping. )
Currently working our way through the pretty pricey m&s oil and vinegar that was a present. The oil isn't amazing, we've had nicer stuff that was brought back from holidays in Greece and Italy but the balsamic vinegar... Gods, it's the nicest stuff we've ever had. Damn the price, it is worth it :p

Anyway, I don't care about health benefits or what not, I just prefer the taste of stuff cooked in extra virgin olive oil.

Roast potatoes tip: roast them in extra virgin olive oil. It's the best thing for them.
Which reminds me, I might post the secret family recipe to awesome roast potatoes in the recipe section...