Did you have an imaginary friend...

What age did people on here stop having imaginary friends?

I'm genuinely quite interested as I remember having conversations with people when I was young, until about 5 or 6 years old, but then it stopped after that but I don't remember having a specific imaginary friend.:)

I think I had to be 3-4 years old or something. I can't remeber Onkel Korn at all, but I've been told he did a lot of fun stuff!

My cusine had a girl called "Dunna". And when my cusine did something wrong, like broke something, it was always Dunna's fault. Perhaps that could be great as a grown up to? "No, it wasn't me, it was my imaginary friend!"
According to my mother, I had one until I was about 4 or 5, though I don't recall it. She said I named this friend nu-nu, and that I was always including her in everything I did, and that I talked to her and about her all the time. :D I even asked for food for her, lol.
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I had an imaginary town I was the police woman for, full of imaginary residents.

But I didn't have a specific single imaginary friend, just lots of different ones, depending on the game I was playing (with myself). I think I had imaginary friends/played imaginary games until I was about 6, I remember being in year two and pretending I didn't play imaginary games to my friends because I was embarrassed (which is age 5-6), I think I stopped shortly after. It kinda petered off as I got older.
I had an imaginary town I was the police woman for, full of imaginary residents.

But I didn't have a specific single imaginary friend, just lots of different ones, depending on the game I was playing (with myself). I think I had imaginary friends/played imaginary games until I was about 6, I remember being in year two and pretending I didn't play imaginary games to my friends because I was embarrassed (which is age 5-6), I think I stopped shortly after. It kinda petered off as I got older.

You sound like a very creative child.
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I used to pretend to have Digimon and Pokemon, if that counts.
My sister convinced me to do chores by saying if I do them, I'll get a real life Digimon. LOL.
Me and my friend used to climb up slides and pretend that our Digimon helped us up. We would pretend that we were Digimon masters. C: ah the memories. It helped that we had this pocket device that had small Digimon characters on it, that we could level up and battle with.
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No. I had a reasonably active imagination and sometimes played by myself but I don't remember an imaginary friend.

In the library I came across a fiction/fantasy book written from the viewpoint of an imaginary friend- the imaginary friends know and interact with each other too. I forgot the title though... I didn't borrow it.
I had too many to count. Of course I was uncreative and they were all characters from cartoons, books and video games.
I randomly decided when I was a bit too old to have imaginary friends (early middle school) that I was a dragon tamer and I hatched many dragons from eggs (which were just stones from outside). My mother was really annoyed with this whole ordeal because I was so enthusiastic about it. I had a journal and everything, I thought I was keeping up with my dragons every day and I even dragged some of my friends into the strange mind game.

Needless to say I grew out of it and I am left with all these weird drawings and papers from when I was like 10 of dragons and ****. It would bother me more but I remember how crazily psychotic and abnormally sensitive of a child I was.
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