Physical Exercise Excersise Console Games


Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Recently I've been trying to lose a little weight and get fitter. I've been watching my calories and doing little home-based work outs each day. Nothing too intense, just 45 minutes of light cardio and things like sit-ups. I use the Wii Fit Plus for some of this, but it's getting a little repetitive, so I want something new.

Does anyone else use any console-based fitness games? Any that people would recommend? Any that are really terrible? I quite like the idea of something dance-based, or something similar to the wii fit games with lots of different activity options. I'm looking for something either on the Wii or the PS3, but feel free to post things from other platforms too :)
I bought Just Dance 2 today, as it was on a good offer with a game my boyfriend wanted to buy. I also bought some wrist weights to wear whilst I use the Wii fitness games, so I burn a few more calories and tone my arms up. Wore the wrist weights whilst trying out Just Dance 2, and it was exhausting, but a lot of fun :)
From my experience, it's something you do for a while and then put away in your closet.
From my experience, it's something you do for a while and then put away in your closet.

Possibly, but better than not doing it at all :P

We've had the Wii fit for several years now, and whilst I don't use it constantly, I do go back to it quite frequently. I have a better chance of maintaining use of something like that than I do of going to the gym ;)
I would pay for an exercising motion game that actually is fun though.

Maybe a role-playing game? :p

Possibly, but better than not doing it at all :p

We've had the Wii fit for several years now, and whilst I don't use it constantly, I do go back to it quite frequently. I have a better chance of maintaining use of something like that than I do of going to the gym ;)

Yeah, some people like it and use it successfully, but it's a bit too easy-going for my taste.
People keep telling me to do yoga, but it's highly unlikely I'll go to a class. Maybe I should get the Wii Fit board put again.
There are good free online classes, and also some on some tv stations. I like to do yoga by myself and did for awhile before I ever went to a class. You might like the breathing in yoga. :)