Next question ... has anybody ever tried growing their own mushrooms? That is one thing I have been interested in for a long time, but have been too lazy to try out so far...
IThat said, I do have a friend that could help me identify them, accurately, but without his help I would never risk it myself. People, children, pets, etc. die every year from eating incorrectly identified mushrooms or just from happenstance.
I would never eat a mushroom that someone has randomly picked. Some poisonous ones look similar to edible ones.
7 of the World’s Most Poisonous Mushrooms
This Encyclopedia Britannica list features 7 of the most poisonous mushrooms in the
Every year here in my city someone or someone's pet ingests a death cap mushroom,,,and hence the name, they don't survive the ordeal. So it definitely isn't worth the risk in my humble opinion.
Here's a story not too far from me regarding the death cap. Read Here
I have too many favorite mushrooms. Favorite one I've found and eaten? Probably matsutake or hedgehog.
morels are the most overrated mushroom!
Hedgehogs are another favorite of mine.
Really? No one else likes porcini?
I ate amanita once...felt a little sick, nothing trippy. Really gross texture, tasted like decaying forest floor. Not recommended!
morels are the most overrated mushroom!
Hedgehogs are another favorite of mine.
Really? No one else likes porcini?
I worked at a produce stand in Pike Place Market for several years, so I had access to a lot of fresh wild mushrooms, often picked just the day before. We sold lots of truffles those are definitely overpriced.
Oh and I thought I deleted my comment about morels, decided I wanted to keep it positive...oops, know you know how I really feel
Sorry, no. I only eat from plants. I use real vegetables.
Hello Fred! It's very interesting what you've said about your "relationships" with mushrooms. Despite that, IMO, it's way better to eat mushrooms than animals, - i have a strong feeling that mushrooms are half-animals in their current hypostasis. Their existence is more ancient than we can think of. The fact that they have a "collective mind" - is out of debate. I, personally, wouldn't allow myself to eat them. Don't get me wrong,- there was a time when i ate tons of mushrooms. I loved their meaty texture, and moreover, it was a very ubiquitous and affordable food: we picked them in the woods next to our summer cottage, at the country. My mom goes to the woods and picks them nowadays too. But something happened to my perception of mushrooms. And it had happened long before i went vegan. I realized that my body refused to digest mushrooms. Gradually, i "developed" weird and scary autoimmune reactions to mushrooms. These reactions were getting more and more severe. Eventually, i ditched mushrooms at all. Once, a few years later, i ate 2 of them (2 tiny honey fungi), and i regretted... I was sick for 5 months,- i thought i would have died. (I know 100% that those honey fungi were edible,- they were on pizza, - i think that it was just a severe autoimmune reaction). Since then, i only managed to accidentally devour a few scruples of mushrooms, but i took extra measures, having taken a LOT of adsorbents and other pills, so luckily, i got away with that.I have hated the taste of mushrooms all my life, since my father took me when I was a little boy with him to pick wild mushrooms, which he liked doing, before I had ever tasted them. Talk about a huge disappointment. And I hated other stuff, but I never disliked anything more. Some hated things I learned later to be alright with, but it never changed with mushrooms. With going vegetarian, I gave up meat, and I was alright with that. I went vegan later knowing issues. I found hummus, and never felt need for any animal product or anything made to resemble flesh of animals. Since I didn't want mushrooms either, still, it is easy to stick to real plant-based eating. And I am a believer. I know God gave permissions for what to eat in places. But there was never permission for fungi. I don't believe mushrooms were to provide us for food.