I dreamed that God would be forgiving.
3. It seems odd to me to put a particular adjective on people that constitute 99 to 99.75% of the population, to distinguish them from the .25-1% of the population that is different in that one respect. It's sort of like saying "a cat with a full length tail" every time you talk about a cat, to distinguish him from the cats who don't have full length tails. (I use that as an example because in my household, only 92.3% of cats have full length tails.)
Is that odd though? I don't have any strong feelings on the word cis, but I think it's usually useful to have descriptive words. Vegetarians make up about 2% of the UK, and vegans a much smaller %, yet we have words to describe non-vegetarians (omnis, meat-eaters), and non-vegan vegetarians (lacto-ovo). Having a word to describe non-vegetarians is useful sometimes, especially in vegetarian communities/groups where the topic is going to come up a lot and it's long-winded to say non-vegetarians, hence how often "omni" gets used (especially online) - despite the fact it isn't even accurate.