Thank you dear reader for continuing this study with me! By continuing in faith in Jesus we will surely receive greater riches of wisdom and continue in everlasting life. Today our topic is the gospel which means good news. This is the good news of how we may receive eternal life! The life we may receive is to be spent with loved ones, friends, family members and animal companions!
Please read Genesis 1:26.
There is much to gain from this verse but for now let us note how it says "let us make man in our image". God uses the words "us" and "our" because the bible describes 3 aspects of God: the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Please read John 10:30.
Here Jesus claims plainly that he is one with the Father.
Please read John 8:58.
And here Jesus makes the claim that he existed before Abraham. Abraham is a man who lived around 1900 B.C.
Notice also that Jesus uses the phrase "I am".
Please read Exodus 3:13-14.
When Jesus uses the phrase "I am" he is using the same name God used for himself when speaking with Moses. So Jesus is again indicating that he is one with the Father.
Please read John 1:1-2.
In these verses from John we see that the "Word" was with God and was God.
Please read John 1:14-17.
This same Word which was God, was made flesh as Jesus Christ.
Please read John 1:3.
So according to this verse, all things were made by Jesus since he is the eternal Word which was God.
It was Christ that spread the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth. It was His hand that hung the worlds in space, and fashioned the flowers of the field. "His strength setteth fast the mountains." "The sea is His, and He made it." Psalm 65:6; 95:5. It was He that filled the earth with beauty, and the air with song. And upon all things in earth, and air, and sky, He wrote the message of the Father's love. DA 20.1
The earth as originally created was full of beautiful plants and animals many of which we've never seen before.
Please read Genesis 1:29-30.
In the beginning people and animals were given plants to eat. This is because there was no death nor hostility in God's unfallen creation. Plants were intended for food so they do not feel pain.
Please read Romans 5:12.
This verse explains that death entered the world after man sinned (or broke God's law of love). Since death entered by sin, there was no death before sin.
Try looking at the front cover of a bible. The first book of the bible is Genesis and it describes God's original, perfect creation which had no death nor suffering.
Now flip the bible over and look at the back cover. The last book of the Bible is Revelation and this describes how the fallen world we live in is created anew and death and suffering are permanently ended.
Please read Revelation 21:1-7.
In between these first and last books of the bible is the story of how mankind sinned, how death and suffering entered the world, and God's plan for salvation from this. The gospel is an essential part of God's plan of saving us from death.
Much of the bible is about the Hebrew nation of Israel where the Jews lived. Like most nations this nation had laws.
Please read Deuteronomy 24:16.
This law said that if a mature child broke the law, the child would be responsible and not the parent. Most national laws in the world today operate the same way. For example, if a 24 year old robs a store, he will be punished and not his father. He is held accountable for his own lawlessness.
In a similar way, God is not responsible when a person commits sin. God does everything possible so people may keep the law of love. Satan may tempt us to sin but not even the devil may force us to break God's law. When we transgress the law it is our own choice. If we resist the devil, he will flee from us (James 4:7).
Please read Isaiah 1:2.
God describes sin as rebellion against him.
Please read Exodus 20:1-17.
God's law of love is expressed as 10 commandments which God himself spoke to the people of Israel.
Please read 1 John 3:4.
Sin is defined as transgression or breaking of the law. The law is like a mirror, and we can compare our lives to the law to see if we have sinned.
Please read Matthew 5:21-22.
Jesus confirmed the 10 commandment law and also explained it. The law that says "thou shall not kill" means we should not physically harm people but it also means in our hearts we should not have any hateful feelings towards others. If one person does not touch another, but they think about hitting them or killing them, it is also a sin.
Please read Matthew 5:27-28.
Similarly, Jesus tells us adultery includes looking with lust. It's possible to break the commandment without ever touching another person.
Please read 1 Corinthians 7:1-2.
The word of God also tells us that fornication is when unmarried men and women touch in the way only married men and women are allowed to touch. So to keep the commandment "thou shall not commit adultery" we must remain abstinent before marriage.
We may compare ourselves to God's 10 commandment law. Have we ever hated someone, looked with lust, done fornication, illegally downloaded music or software (stealing), or been covetous of something? Are we innocent or guilty of breaking the law?
Please read Romans 3:23.
The bible states that all of us have sinned and broken at least one of the 10 commandments.
Please read Romans 6:23.
And according to the bible the wages of sin is death. We have all earned death because of our sins. When we look around we see people everywhere aging, becoming ill and dying. This is the effect of sin on the world.
We are all guilty of breaking the law, and if we don't want to die forever, then we need to be forgiven by God.
Please read Hebrews 4:15.
This verse confirms for us that Jesus alone never sinned. The wages of sin is death so only Jesus life given as a sinless sacrifice can reconcile us back to God.
Please read John 3:16-17.
This is why Jesus willingly died on the cross: so we may be forgiven. It was an expression of God's willingness to suffer our sins so we may have the opportunity to receive grace and forgiveness.
Please read Romans 10:9-10.
Since God has already provided the sacrifice, to be forgiven we just need to believe.
Please read Ephesians 2:8-9.
We are saved from death by God's grace, his mercy and forgiveness. We receive this grace because we have faith and believe in Jesus. We cannot somehow "work" to save ourselves. No amount of good deeds can erase the fact that we have sinned and caused harm and broke the law. We can only humbly request forgiveness from the judge and lawmaker, our creator.
Please read Mark 11:25-26.
Since God is willing to suffer to forgive us, we must also be willing to forgive others.
Please read John 15:12-14.
After being forgiven through faith in Christ people may become friends of God. What a wonderful feeling and experience!
Please read Matthew 7:1-5.
So before judging others for their sins, we ought instead forgive them and come to Jesus for forgiveness of our own sins.
Once forgiven and reconciled with God, we may see what he will have us do to help reduce suffering in the world. And we may await the day of his return after which all suffering and death will be no more. For with God all things are possible, but without him we may do no good thing.
Jesus is coming soon to forever end death and suffering - if you believe also then please also help share this wonderful and exciting news with others! Sharing the gospel with others may be as simple as sending a link or offering someone a book.
May God bless you with grace and peace!
With love,