1. Is medical marijuana legal where you live? Do you think it should be? What about elsewhere?
Yes, it's legal in Canada. I think it should be legal everywhere.
2. Is recreational pot legal where you live? Should it be? What about elsewhere?
It will be as of July 2018. I think it should be, mainly because it's a waste of time for cops to enforce the anti-pot laws, IMO.
3. Is the war against marijuana a failure that harshly penalizes the wrong people?
4. Will legalizing and regulating recreational pot do any damage to the drug cartels?
Maybe. I'm curious to see what happens to them. Perhaps they'll offer competitive prices so that people will continue buying from them instead of from government-regulated businesses.
5. How do you feel about pot-enhanced food products?
I prefer to smoke it, personally, but pot cookies are fun to bake. I'll probably try some fancier recipes this summer once it's legalized. Oh, and I'm guessing edibles are better for your lungs than smoking.
6. Have you ever used pot? Do you currently use pot? (feel free to skip this if it makes you uncomfortable to be open about it)
I started smoking pot at age 16. I did it on and off socially until about 5 years ago. So currently, I do not use pot. As I mentioned earlier, I'll likely start again this summer just because why the hell not.
7. Anyone else you know ever use or currently use pot? (feel free to skip this if it makes you uncomfortable to be open about it)
The crowd I hang with right now doesn't use pot. Most of my friends in high school used it (hence why I started it). I knew a few people in college who smoked it. At my past two previous jobs, I occasionally did a toke with colleagues after work.
8. Do you think that the legalization of recreational pot in Washington State and Colorado is a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think that it's only the beginning, and further legalization in other US states is inevitable? Do you think there's a chance that legalization of pot in Washington and Colorado could ultimately be deemed a failure and be reversed?
I wasn't aware that it was being legalized in Washington and Colorado. As a non-US citizen, I can't really comment on it.
9. What do you think about the pot laws where you live?
It's about time they finally legalized it. I didn't think it would ever happen in my lifetime, honestly, so it was a pleasant surprise when the government announced it last year. I'm glad there are advertisements out already, telling people that it's against the law to drive while high, just as it's against the law to drive drunk.
10. How do you feel about coverage of marijuana in the mainstream media and the MSM's depiction of those who use it, often as thugs and criminals (e.g. Michael Brown)?
I don't pay attention to that stuff, honestly. I think it's silly when people depict pot-users as being from bottom-of-the-barrel. Plenty of pot users are highly educated and have successful careers. They're just better at keeping it a secret.