May Health Challenge

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Do you order online for delivery or pick up? I had no luck in the past with getting non dairy ice cream for delivery, but since doing the no contact pick ups at Walmart, I purchased several options. Of course, now I’m too chubby to eat them so they will have to sit for awhile, lol.

This is what my freezer currently holds:

The So Delicious one looks like a (non vegan) ice cream lolly we had over here called Feast. They remind me of going to church as a kid as I would get a reward afterwards.

Feast | Wall's UK | Walls
Over here you need to have like $100 for delivery. Plus I don't want to wait around all day. I've done the pickup thing 3 times now and I think I have the hang of it. It's still not great but I don't want to go into a store.

My little upscale market uses Instacart and the first time its free. I should try that next time.
Back in the good old days, I used to go to Trader Joes and get they chocolate cherry soy frozen dessert or their chocolate coconut milk one. They are inexpensive. One of Those So Delicious mini bars would be really good right about now.
What one do you do?

I tried to do leg lifts on my yoga mat the other day and my thighs are still quite weak from when I was ill a few years ago.
I tried this one. It was quite challenging for me. I did circuit 1 and 2 twice and circuit 3 once. It took about 55 minutes.
I'm out of non-dairy ice cream. This was the last one in my fridge. They never last long.


I'm getting back in shape after not being able to exercise much due to some health issues (unrelated to diet).

So I've been taking longer walks with my dog, lifting weights, and doing random exercises - easy stuff to do at home. I do more and increase the intensity level every day. It feels good to be getting back in shape.

I've been having insomnia the past few nights. I think it's from the stress and uncertainty of our present circumstances, and circumstances in my own life. It's also the weather. It's hot and I don't have a fan or air conditioner. The fan I ordered will arrive this week.

I decided I needed a day to rest, so I'm doing that right now.

Also! I haven't had any alcohol since quarantine started (about two months ago). I'm not much of a drinker. It's just a social thing for me. But I feel better now that I haven't had any in a long time. I might not return to it.

On the flipside of the insomnia, I'm experiencing a boost in overall health from working out. It's good to be getting healthier again.
I took a nice, long walk this morning - I've gone nearly 5 miles today! The day got quite hot, but still we spent it mostly outside. We planted two tomato plants and a large basil, and then cut back the spider wort, tidied the irises and raked out a lot of old mulch and dead leaves. So it was a pretty active day for me. Dinner was delicious leftover pasta, so that kind of negated most of the exercise! :lol:
I expanded the route of my daily walks since Apr.24th. Now it's minimum 3.48 miles (sometimes more, but only on those days when legs behave well). Sometimes the necessity to avoid humanoids makes me walk a longer distance (make stupid loops, that i wouldn't need, if they were trying to distance themselves from each other).
Got in a walk, did some shopping, got in a fight - yeah I'm just burning through these calories today, boy.

Got in a fight? Are you OK?

I actually had a similar kind of day. I was walking my dog when a man came out of his garden and started yelling at me. He accused me of having let my dog poop in the grass across the street (that patch between the curb and sidewalk) and not cleaning it up. He got really close to me, not wearing a mask, yelling and wielding a pole of some kind.

I tried to reason with him by showing him my roll of dog waste bags and pointing out that the poop he was referring to (when we went across the street to look at it) was not from today and that my dog could not have been responsible for it. He kept yelling and waving the pole around. So I speed-walked back home.

I also took a nice, long walk to get groceries. I found a new store with vegan options and good produce.
Did another HasFit video workout this morning. I think these are my favorites. There are a lot of free videos on YouTube but I might just go ahead and spring for a membership. But there are some other things I'm going to try first.

I also walked a round trip of 2 miles. went to my little local hospital for a blood test.
Did my around the block walk even though it was very hot today. It is still 86 F with the sun going down. Tomorrow I will have to use the treadmill I think. The heat really drains me.
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