what does judging another person really prove anyway?
Nothing, really, does it, unless it gets people thinking about their own choices and actions. We vegetarians and vegans do a lot of it though.
what does judging another person really prove anyway?
Of course not. We are each ultimately responsible for what we choose to use/consume and how it was obtained.
I would ask you this:
Do you, as a user of computers and mobile telephones, believe yourself to be *as bad as* the people who kidnap people from villages to use them as slave labor in the mines that produce some of the metals used in those electronic devices?
I do, but my road to hell was paved long ago.
I disagree. Direct abusers are more morally corrupt because they have no scruples about the abuse. Regular meat eaters still have an inner voice that tells them it's wrong, it's just that they pretend not to hear it, and that the animals live happy lives in lovely green meadows etc. Direct abusers in many cases also make a profit from their abuse.
If you've ever bought anything produced in an overseas sweatshop, you've turned a blind eye to what goes on there.
Face it, almost everyone compartmentalizes to some extent. If you've ever bought anything produced in an overseas sweatshop, you've turned a blind eye to what goes on there. Heck, none of us here is giving a whole lot of thought to the abuses inflicted on the people who mine some of the metals used in our electronics.
Those who boycott sweatshop goods are blind to what goes on outside of sweatshops in some countries.
This reminds me of an argument I've heard omnis make...now what was it?
Aw, yes ... if no one ate meat, those animals wouldn't have had a chance to be alive in the first place, so we're actually doing them a favor.
how are they not literally forced to work there? You mean they have the option of starving to death?
What bothers me the most are the people who do know/find out what is involved and still continue consuming meat with the attitude that, hey, I love my chicken and steak and I cannot give it up because ZOMG IT TASTES SO GOOD!?!?!?!So were slavers in the US south morally equivalent to all those who bought cotton from Southern plantations? And (assuming one believes "sweatshops" are immoral) are people who buy things made in sweatshops morally equivalent to people who run the sweatshops?
I realize there is less of a disconnect with animals than the above examples because products of animal exploitation are often the bodies of the animals themselves. But there is still some level of disconnect.
I dunno if there is a right answer to these questions, but I personally judge people who run factory farms more harshly than I judge consumers. I obviously believe paying for animal products is bad too or I wouldn't be vegan. I just know before I was vegan I didn't think about it that much. I had never met a vegan. After the point where I was like "okay I need to really think about this" I made the change. I also learned a lot of things I didn't know about how animals are treated. I don't think I was quite as bad as someone directly abusing animals before I was vegan, but perhaps my view is self serving. It's just that I can empathize with a consumer who maybe hasn't given the issue the proper thought and research much more than I can with someone who runs a factory farm and is actively involved in planning and deciding the things that are done to the animals.
I do realize that there are a host of complications when it comes to economics and what-not. As with most things in life, issues are rarely black-and-white.I can't blame people for wanting cheap products, since many people aren't in a position to pick freely.
Oh, I understand the difference.
The similarity is that both use the excuse "It would be worse for them if we didn't exploit them", rather than say, buying goods only from companies that provide some basic safety standards and working conditions for their workers.
Another similarity is that yours is a handy excuse for both meat eaters to feel good about eating meat and consumers of sweatshop labor to feel good about buying goods from places that lock their workers in so that they burn to death by the hundreds when there's a fire.
I disagree. Direct abusers are more morally corrupt because they have no scruples about the abuse. Regular meat eaters still have an inner voice that tells them it's wrong, it's just that they pretend not to hear it, and that the animals live happy lives in lovely green meadows etc. Direct abusers in many cases also make a profit from their abuse.
Sweat shops can produce cheap goods specifically because they they are run without basic safety standards and working conditions for their workers.
They are based in such areas specifically because workers have no employment protection or health and safety regulations.
Where people can choose only work or starvation you have a captive work force.
In a culture where workers are protected in the workplace by employee rights regulation and cushioned from starvation by a welfare state such abuse could not take place.
If sweatshops fell under the same regulations the overheads involved would minimise profit and they would no longer be seen as a viable buisness model.
How would that help the workers? The workers who lost their jobs and had no hope of another? No jobcentre , no hand outs?
They would starve .