TV & Film Movie Lounge

My movies of last week:

Blackhat I had seen this before but didn't remember the title. Stars Chris Hemsworth as a hacker. Typical action film.
I remember thinking it was pretty unrealistic as what computer nerd looks like him! :D
Jersey Boys I loved it! Brought back all kinds of memories of my first discovery of music as a kid. The Four Seasons were already on the "oldies" lists when I was a young teen but I still know some lyrics to this day.
Loving The true story of the landmark court case in the 60's that ended the ban on interracial marriage. Very good film.
Rampage Dwayne Johnson and monsters created by evil scientists. It's been done but still entertaining!
Wonder Woman Another winner! Loved it!
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I watched Bottle Shock. It was on Prime. I love that movie. Alan Rickman and Dennis Farina were outstanding in it. It also had the adorable Chris Pine and Bill Pullman.
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Movies I watched this past week:

Searching Really good! It's about a missing teenager but it is very unique in its design. The story unfolds via the internet and by text by showing the messages, videos, and chats as if you, the viewer, are seeing the posts. It is kind of hard to explain but it was really cool and pretty interesting.
Still Alice Remarkable film! Outstanding acting. Educational about Alzheimer's disease.
The Shape of Water Weird movie but a cool love story.
X-men: First Class Marvel movies are always fun!
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Oucho_O. I've watched an extended trailer. It's quite a disturbing movie... I'm not sure i'd like to watch it (i have things to worry about IRL, so i don't need additional adrenaline.:()
I can't always watch scary/creepy movies. I have to be in the right frame of mind, and they have to made well. :D I had nightmares after watching Silence of the Lambs years ago.
Rampage Dwayne Johnson and monsters created by evil scientists. It's been done but still entertaining!

I've seen that, pretty silly but quite entertaining as you say.:D I watched San Andreas again the other night because he was in it.:flirt:

I love Central Intelligence with Dwayne Johnson. Totally hilarious, I've seen it about 5 times now.:rofl:

Searching Really good! It's about a missing teenager but it is very unique in its design. The story unfolds via the internet and by text by showing the messages, videos, and chats as if you, the viewer, are seeing the posts. It is kind of hard to explain but it was really cool and pretty interesting.

I want to see that. The trailer looked good. I saw the trailer at the dentist, rather randomly!
It is a thriller that is true. I thought the technique was quite interesting.
I picked it up today at the library. I'm going to give it a shot. :D I also got The Social Network. I missed that when it was in the theater. I lucked out with Searching because one of the librarians was returning it to the shelf. I saw it on her cart and I asked if I could snag it. :D Good timing on my part. Also, I walked there, so I got in a total of 4 miles after a stop at the store as well.
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I just finished watching Searching. I really enjoyed it! The approach was indeed original, and it was really suspenseful. John Cho was great as the father! The commentary at the end is so cool.
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Two more movies from the library that I watched (one on Hoopla!): The Social Network and The Librarian: Quest for the Spear. The Librarian featured the very adorable Noah Wyle and was quite entertaining in the vein of a more lighthearted Raiders of the Lost Ark combined with National Treasure. It apparently was a TV movie back in the day that spawned a series, which is also available in my Hoopla library. The movie also featured Bob Newhart and Jane Curtain. They definitely had fun with their roles.

I enjoyed The Social Network (especially the music, by the amazing Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, a fine dynamic duo) as well. I've had the soundtrack for years, but I'd never seen the movie. I know it's Hollywood and it takes liberties with the story it's supposedly based on, but man, it really made me dislike Mark Zuckerberg even more. :D The actor who portrayed Zuckerberg was great.
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I started watching World Trade Center the other night, but it was totally depressing so I stopped.:cry:

World Trade Center (2006)

I enjoyed The Social Network (especially the music, by the amazing Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross (a fine dynamic duo) as well. I've had the soundtrack for years, but I'd never seen the movie. I know it's Hollywood and it takes liberties with the story it's supposedly based on, but man, it really made me dislike Mark Zuckerberg even more. :D

I've never seen that, it does seem like men who work in IT are by and large utter creeps, virgins who can't get women who watch porn all day, lol.
World Trade Center was an amazing movie! But I cried and cried. I am pretty sure I saw Social Network but I can't remember it so I guess I wasn't that impressed! :D I watched these movies this past week:
Jupiter Ascending A sci-fi that had some good actors (Channing Tatum, Sean Bean, Mila Kunis) but I couldn't get into it. It had some nice special effects.
Foxcatcher A film based on actual events. It was about Olympic wrestling and a man named duPont (of the very wealthy family) who was a coach. It was dark and depressing. Channing Tatum was one of the wrestlers and Mark Ruffalo was his brother, another wrestler. Took place in the late 80's, early 90's. Steve Carrel played duPont. I was expecting an inspirational athlete type of movie. It was not....
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World Trade Center was an amazing movie! But I cried and cried. I am pretty sure I saw Social Network but I can't remember it so I guess I wasn't that impressed! :D I watched these movies this past week:
Jupiter Ascending A sci-fi that had some good actors (Channing Tatum, Sean Bean, Mila Kunis) but I couldn't get into it. It had some nice special effects.
Foxcatcher A film based on actual events. It was about Olympic wrestling and a man named duPont (of the very wealthy family) who was a coach. It was dark and depressing. Channing Tatum was one of the wrestlers and Mark Ruffalo was his brother, another wrestler. Took place in the late 80's, early 90's. Steve Carrel played duPont. I was expecting an inspirational athlete type of movie. It was not....
Oh, my gosh, I remember that duPont case, especially because my friend once worked for the Hotel duPont. I got very familiar with it while it was happening. It was disturbing! I haven't seen the movie, though.
My dad was here for two days, and he loves movies, so we watched some on Prime and on my nephew's My Movies account:

Green Book. I know this movie took a lot of heat about many things, but I still enjoyed the performances of the two main characters.

The Martian. I'd read the book a few years ago and quite enjoyed it. The movie was decent, too. It helps that the main character had a good sense of humor. There were a lot of scenes of him just making entries into a daily video journal. He had some good lines. The book had to leave out some of the more harrowing incidents (due to time factors, I'm sure), but it still was pretty good. I like Matt Damon.

Bottle Shock (again, hehe). I made my dad watch it, and he actually liked it. :)

Oh, and I almost forgot. A friend invited me to her library's free movie night this week. We saw If Beale Street Could Talk. It was very well done, but it was depressing, and it made me angry to think about how little has changed when it comes to people of color and the justice system. Extremely well-acted, though. Regina King was terrific as the matriarch of one of the families in the movie.
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I watched a really good movie today that I had never heard of even though J.K.Simmons won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for it back in 2015. Whiplash is a film about a music teacher/conductor (Simmons) and a young drummer. It was very intense.

PTree: I really liked The Martian. I haven't read the book though. I want to see all of the other ones you mentioned too!
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