TV & Film Movie Lounge

One of my Twitter followers has a new movie coming out. This is the first trailer:

I really liked Flight, it was the first Robert Zemeckis film in twelve years. I am scared of flying by plane so I found the flight scene really frightening. John Goodman.<3

I saw that The Faculty was supposed to be on TV but I can't work out which channel and when, so I'm downloading it to watch for about the tenth time.;)
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I've watched so many films this weekend as my husband is off work. :cool:

Ils wasn't as scary as I was led to believe and I couldn't be bothered to watch it to the end so I rewatched Paranormal Activity instead.

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters wasn't that bad :oops: but The Last Exorcism II lacked the tension of the first film and was quite crappy.:p

I'm about to watch Con Air. :woo:
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Con Air is a good movie (for what it is). I used to have the VHS, but a friend borrowed it and never returned it. Haven't gotten the DVD.
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World War Z

Firstly, can I get it off my chest that it was NOTHING like the book and shouldn't have even been called WWZ. Argh. But, as a stand alone film, it was quite good. I thought the end was disappointing but it certainly kept you on your toes. and I may have screamed. Haha

I downloaded Brave aaages ago and haven't got around to watching it yet. should really do that!
World War Z

Firstly, can I get it off my chest that it was NOTHING like the book and shouldn't have even been called WWZ. Argh. But, as a stand alone film, it was quite good. I thought the end was disappointing but it certainly kept you on your toes. and I may have screamed. Haha

^- Annoyed at that. Why even use the title if they aren't going to use any of the book?