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My one complaint about TSOM is that I think it gives the impression that most Austrians were opposed to the Anschluss, which is what I thought for years after I first saw it at the age of five. It wasn't until many years later as an adult that I learned that the opposite was true. Austrians literally welcomed the Nazis with open arms. And hugs. And flowers. *shudder*

Amy, unfortunately I have to agree with you here!

At that time - like in Germany - Hitler was seen as a savior by many people not only in Germany, but also in his native country Austria.

So while the number of agreement in the referendum whether Austria should join Germany (held after the Germans had "invaded" Austria) with 99.8 % was logically higher than it would have been if it had been held before the fact, I do not doubt that there would have been a large majority (maybe 75 %) of Austrians voting for it, even if it had been held while Austria was still an independent country :(
^ Haha.:p The Final Destination films had to come up with ever more inventive ways to kill the characters and some were completely ridiculous.
Mama. It started out somewhat interesting, but became dumber as it went on.

The Internship. Nothing great, but a good movie when you just want to be entertained without having to think much.
I knew I had seen Travis from Fear The Walking Dead in something but I couldn't remember what it was! I realised as I started to rewatch Sunshine last night. Sunshine (2007 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I then decided to watch Gone Girl Gone Girl (2014) - IMDb instead. I only watched half so far but I'm not sure if I like it or not as all the characters are quite unsympathetic.o_O

I watched Gone Girl on the flight to Los Angeles this summer and really didn't know what to think. I saw it again on SKY a few months later and I still don't know what to think. The story is quite good but something is wrong. Furthermore, the actors don't really fit into their roles.
In principal I found Gone Girl not bad, because of the reversal of roles in the beginning.
I agree, I think that both of them came across as arrogant assholes, so yeah, both of them deserve some gripe.

But, of course it had to have a happy end with the good guy getting a break and the bad girl getting her comeuppance o_O
That did not sit so well with me.

But, I do love Rosamund Pike as an actress, so overall I liked it.
Yes, I will probably try and watch the last half but I don't see what all the hype was about. I started reading the book when it came out and gave up as I didn't find it very interesting.
In principal I found Gone Girl not bad, because of the reversal of roles in the beginning.
I agree, I think that both of them came across as arrogant assholes, so yeah, both of them deserve some gripe.

But, of course it had to have a happy end with the good guy getting a break and the bad girl getting her comeuppance o_O
That did not sit so well with me.

But, I do love Rosamund Pike as an actress, so overall I liked it.

I must say that she had an interesting role. Ruthless woman are so more intriguing than men.

The Loft (2014) - IMDb

I didn't find this thriller was worth watching. It was so obvious who the killer was within a few minutes.