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TV & Film Movie Lounge

As I said in the book thread I've been on a Hannibal Lecter kick so recently I've seen Hannibal, Hannibal Rising and Red Dragon. All great IMO, especially Red Dragon because it had the added delights of Edward Norton.
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Woman in Black. It was very odd to see Harry as a father, but overall the movie was surprisingly good.
Snow White and the Hunstman. Wicked good! Gorgeous cinematography (and Chris Hemsworth was not hard to look at. just sayin').
Mr Snot and I watched most of The Brothers Grimm last night, it was pretty darn good!

Snow White and the Hunstman. Wicked good! Gorgeous cinematography (and Chris Hemsworth was not hard to look at. just sayin').

I'm looking forward to seeing this when it's available for rent, from the trailer it looks like the kind of cinematography I love.
Mr Snot and I watched most of The Brothers Grimm last night, it was pretty darn good!
I liked that one as well, though I don't think it got very good reviews when it came out. I'm a Terry Gilliam fan from way back. :p
I saw it as a play too. The Woman in Black appeared in the middle of the audience half way through, some of the people near me screamed :p
I'm watching Mary Poppins tonight. I still tear up when she sings the song about the bird lady. :)
I saw it as a play too. The Woman in Black appeared in the middle of the audience half way through, some of the people near me screamed :p

Someone had told me about that bit so I was prepared but I still jumped.:)
Has anyone seen Prometheus? It's going to be awhile before IS and I get to the cinema, but maybe by the time it comes out on DVD, we'll be ready to watch a whole movie in one sitting without baby business or either of us falling asleep. :) I'd love to see me a good, new sci-fi flick.
Just saw The Golden Compass. I was very underwhelmed, I felt it was really disjointed and if I hadn't read the book it wouldn't have made any sense. I didn't feel much chemistry or connection between the actors either, which was probably the fault of the script and the directors. The girl playing Lyra was great though.
The Golden Compass was craptastic. I think it got a really bad response & therefore they cancelled the filming of the next films, haha.
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I wonder how involved Philip Pullman was with it? They pronounced a lot of the names differently than in the audiobook, which he narrated. It makes me think he wasn't consulted.