Beauty standards and fashion. I find that those make no sense whatsoever. I think that I have some sort of learning disability when it comes to understanding those, but the more I gain knowledge, the more I'd be willing to forget that I ever heard about those.
I miss the time when I was almost completely oblivious to beauty standards. I remember when I was visiting my friends house and me, her and L were sitting on the floor thinking our own thoughts when suddenly L said "I have always wished to have the kind of feet you have." I did not understand what she meant and I got extremely stressed out by it. I started staring at her feet and my friends feet and my head hurt and my heart started pounding and I felt like I couldn't breath properly. Now I know that she meant that I have pétit feet. Chinese people used to mutilate their feet because of beauty standards. I couldn't have been much older than 14 years old and back then my understanding of fashion was black eyeliner, black clothes, black nail polish, combat boots, hair to cover up my face and rivet wristbands to cover up my wrists. I didn't like my wrists because those are so scrawny and people called me "plant stick" and "scarecrow" because of how thin I was.
Once I was told that Shagrath looks sexy and once again, I was left puzzled.
One person once told me that "no one wants to be your friend because of how you look". People who want to control the way you look are mislead and if you aren't skilful enough, it would be best to walk away.
I'm thankful to minimalism. It has really cleared up all this confusion surrounding clothes. I can wear the clothes that feel good and I don't need another opinion.
Perhaps many other people can find value in beauty standards and fashion, but personally I have never understood why these things matter.