Respectfully, I don't see anything anti-semitic about what rainforest1 has said in this thread.
You don't need to preface with "respectfully."
RF has a long history of New World Order threads, the Federal Reserve being a vast conspiracy, Holocaust and Hitler apologias, etc. The one thread that runs through all of that is that Jews are to blame for many/most of the world's ills, with a sidenote of "Gee, it's not so bad to try to exterminate them."
Now here's a thread where he objects to an American president co-authoring a book with another well known figure, who just happens to be Jewish. Apparently he thinks that more than one book per person is excessive, so maybe his dislike of Obama and Wiesel are based on them being too prolific in their book output? If that's his objection, then I'm surprised he didn't start by criticizing other authors - there are many thousands of authors who are more prolific than either Wiesel or Obama.