Obama and Elie Wiesel to write book together

The Jews are only one of the groups accused of trying to bring about the NWO. Others include the Freemasons, the Illuminati, people in league with the Devil, ex-Nazis/neo-Nazis and (as mentioned) space aliens.

I've spent a fair amount of time debating with NWO conspiracy theorists (mainly Alex Jones listeners, Zeitgeist Movement people or just general 9/11 truthers) and the majority I've encountered have said nothing about Jews. More commonly referenced bad guys would include those you mentioned such as the Illuminati and Freemasons. And yeah they are often described as being Satanists and/or engaging in ritual sacrifices. Some will just refer to "the NWO", "global elites", "the US government", etc. or to no one in particular. There are definitely antisemitic conspiracy theorists who believe in that kind of stuff too, but pegging someone as antisemitic just because they believe in NWO conspiracies would probably be incorrect more often than not.

Regarding David Icke's crazy theories* about shapeshifting reptilians, Satanists and mind-controlling assassins, some have claimed he is simply using code words for "Jews". However, his list of bad guys includes pretty much every US president after Eisenhower, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney, William F. Buckley Jr., the Rockefellers, the British royals, Tony Blair, Mikail Gorbachev, Hitler and Stalin among others. He also includes Jewish people such as Henry Kissinger and the Rothschilds, but they don't seem to comprise the majority.

*I'm just commenting on this because someone mentioned "reptilians".
^ Right, I didn't know that, as I've only read about the NWO, not debated much with actual NWO conspiracy theorists. So then it sounds like there is even less correlation between NWO conspiracy theories and antisemitism.
I did a search on VB regarding comments I made about the Holocaust and nothing popped up. I'd still love to see this evidence, but it's likely not going to come.
Some will just refer to "the NWO", "global elites", "the US government", etc. or to no one in particular.

put "is US controlled by Jews" into Google, and also "global elite Jewish" if you don't realize that for many that is still code for 'the Jewish people are the problem.'
I think perhaps one of the worst things about all of this is that it is basically the same population of people fighting themselves.

I really don't get why that's "one of the worst things" and to me that seems like a strange understanding of the conflict. Was one of the worst things about WWII when the Germans fought the Brits, because they're close genetically?