Pictures of Your Animal Family

You can see Molly's handiwork of how she chewed the banisters in the background. I don't know what to do to remedy that.
Do you want a remedy to the chewing, or a repair for the posts?

To remedy the chewing I would go to a pet store and get a spray called "Bitter Apple". Spray it on the posts and the chewing should end.

As far as repairing the posts - I was about to tell you what I would do, but then I thought a little harder about that, and if you need my advice on how to repair it, you probably don't have the tools or the experience needed for what I was going to suggest (I just barely have the experience needed) and if you followed my suggestions you could just end up in worse shape.
So instead I suggest cleaning it up with a little sandpaper and then repainting it. It won't be anywhere near as noticeable if you do this.
-And then spray it with Bitter Apple to keep it from happening again.
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Those ratties are co cute!

Heres me with my Sisters new puppy Ty.
^ Aww!!!<3

As far as repairing the posts - I was about to tell you what I would do, but then I thought a little harder about that, and if you need my advice on how to repair it, you probably don't have the tools or the experience needed for what I was going to suggest (I just barely have the experience needed) and if you followed my suggestions you could just end up in worse shape.
So instead I suggest cleaning it up with a little sandpaper and then repainting it. It won't be anywhere near as noticeable if you do this.
-And then spray it with Bitter Apple to keep it from happening again.

She doesn't chew anymore as we kept handing her chew toys instead until she stopped.:p Yes, I wasn't sure whether I should just use sandpaper and repaint or if we could get a few sections of the banister replaced.

I thought I would post a pic of a ginger cat that used to come into our house for a couple of years. We seem to get cats coming into our house now and then. :rolleyes: I think he had a home as he seemed well fed but we took him to be checked for FIV and had him neutered. Anyway, he seemed to hate it when we adopted the rescue kittens and he never darkened our door again after that. He was cute looking but rather unfriendly!

Puppy-nephew is so cute! You almost can't see him against your black outfit, lol.

Ginger cat house-crasher is cute too. I have a grey and white cat that showed up about three years ago. I thought he was homeless so me and two other neighbors had been feeding him, not knowing where he came from. But then we found out he belongs to the house behind us. He's almost overly friendly. He keeps showing up, now and then, looking for food out of habit, but we don't feed him anymore. He's very well cared for. I had a picture of him...I'll have to see if I can find it.
Sonny, staking his claim to the bed...


Looks like it's Sonny for the win...Bogart gets the couch! lol My poor baby, :(


:rofl:It's actually going quite well. They can both inhabit the same room for a few hours as long as neither one tries to get too close to the other.
Puppy-nephew is so cute! You almost can't see him against your black outfit, lol.

Ginger cat house-crasher is cute too. I have a grey and white cat that showed up about three years ago. I thought he was homeless so me and two other neighbors had been feeding him, not knowing where he came from. But then we found out he belongs to the house behind us. He's almost overly friendly. He keeps showing up, now and then, looking for food out of habit, but we don't feed him anymore. He's very well cared for. I had a picture of him...I'll have to see if I can find it.

Heh. I know. It was my plan for stealing him...camoflage!
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:clap: I hope they will be okay with each other. It may end up that your bed will be like
once the transition is over :D
This is almost what my bed used to be like, when I was a pet sitter and dog walker. Usually I had two cats under the quilt, and two dogs, and one cat on my neck. But if one of my customers was sleeping over I'd have three dogs under the quilt, two cats, but no cat on my neck. My Queen was too good to sleep in the same bed with a paying customer.

One night I gave up, got out of bed, and said "It's all yours guys." and went to sleep on the couch. The whole gang followed me. :p
This is Near. I got him because his owner was moving to a place that wasn't pet friendly, so she brought him to the pet store I used to work at. So I took this little handsome guy home ^^;; He was much too sensitive to be with the other boys, so I got him neutered so he could live with the girls. ;) Him and his gfs passed away a while ago.. it feels like forever since I held him :( I miss him so much. He was my first ever dumbo, rex (had curls) and my only "blue" rat. All of that mixed in one rat! I was very excited when I saw him and I knew he would be mine. I know, I shouldn't judge based on looks but I'm just sayin'. (Like there's even such a thing as an ugly rat anyway, LOL) He was also a very sweet and sensitive little guy ^^
Awww, he was precious! I think all rats are cute, but I really like the pale/pastel colored ones, and grey is such an awesome color!
My rats were just "regular": Abby was a brown and white berkshire, cute patch of white on her tummy. Winter was all white with red eyes; and her sister Willow was just the regular splotchy brown and white, like their mother Sophie.
When I adopted Sophie to be a friend for Abby, I didn't know Sophie was pregnant so a tiny while later out popped 9 babies. lol :woo:I found homes for all of the ones I didn't keep, and Sophie was just the BEST mom ever.
I don't really have any "good" photos of them, as when I had them I just had a funky little point and shoot; they also hated the flash.
Here's Winter:

And here's all 4 of them piled into one of those corner shelves:

They had a really tall Martin's Cage and while I loved the cage, I hated that it didn't have solid floors except for the base. So I had to make something to cover up the levels. You don't see it in that picture because I was washing it and a bunch of their other accessories. I used to change their cage around all the time, give them new things to climb around on and jump on and hide in. Those corner ferret litter pans were great because I could attach them into the top corner of the cage for a little "loft" for them that they'd climb to.

I wish I had better pictures of them. I miss having rats, but it also really sucks that they don't live very long. :(
Lol! Rats, sleeping in their litter box.. Go figure, mine did that too.
Yeah, that is their con.. Short life span :( I'm lucky if they get to live to 3... or even 2.
The majority of my rats were white & black capped & black & white hooded. My first ever rat was a black and white hooded, and she was the sweetest & calmest rat I ever had :3 Her name was Lily. Had a black & white hooded rat named Charlotte... gave birth to 4 girls and 7 boys. Didn't trust anyone else with my babies!.. But I made sure they had a nice home w/ me. They were very socialized, but passed away a bit early, I think from having poor genes.. They lived to be either 1 & a half, or 2+ I got a Ferret Nation (eventually) because of the solid floors, although it is a hassle to move when it's time to clean it.. Which I hear you don't have that problem with Martin's. Oh, well. :p I also had to modify it so younger rats or females could live in it.. cause I got it before the Critter Nation existed.
Yes! I had to modify cages (I went through at least 4 different kinds of cages) before finally settling on the Martin's one. I had a much smaller ferret cage that worked fine for the two girls until Sophie had her babies. Once they had their eyes open and were climbing around, they were squeezing through the bars and running amok everywhere! Then later I got a really tall ferret cage that was GREAT but the bars were too far apart. Winter used to squeeze through and climb to the top of the cage and just hang out. I wouldn't have minded so much if my room had been completely rat-proofed and some of the cats actually liked the rats. (One of the cats loved the rats and they would sit on his back and just hang out; when I introduced one of the kittens to one of the rats, they were running circles around me. it was so cute). Plus I had the aquarium I would put them all in while I cleaned out the cage.

If I ever get rats again, I'll either go with Martin's or do a giant homemade thing for them. It was so much hassle trying to figure out what cage would work, since they were my first rats.
Ah, at first I had a cage problem too. First I had a rabbit cage, but I needed something bigger because of all the youngins, so my sis and her ex made 1 cage for females, and I made 1 cage for the males. The cages had a lot of flaws, and I was just happy when I had enough to buy a Ferret Nation, even if it meant that it had to be modified so the girls won't escape. Although you might be able to make a better home made cage. :p GL if you decide to!
Bogart has reclaimed his position on the bed! :)

Sonny went back to his foster mom...this is a really good thing! I was talking with her and she missed him so much, she said if this trial didn't work out between Bogart and Sonny, that she and her husband decided that they were going to adopt him. I felt so bad for her that I told her she could take him. She was at my house within five minutes (she lives down the street). And who knows how long it would have taken for Sonny and Bogart to adjust to each other. It seemed like the best thing for Sonny was for him to be with the people who have been raising him for the last three months. He is already acclimated into their home with their dog and three other cats. I guess it took Sonny being gone for two days for them to realized how much they bonded with him. Yay for Sonny! He found his forever home and Bogart is way more relaxed now, too. Maybe I was mistaken thinking that Bogart was bored and in need of a cat friend. Maybe it's just his laid back personality and all he's been through the last few months. I think I will devote my time solely to him for the next few weeks and see how things go once his meds are done.
Bogart has reclaimed his position on the bed! :)

Sonny went back to his foster mom...this is a really good thing! I was talking with her and she missed him so much, she said if this trial didn't work out between Bogart and Sonny, that she and her husband decided that they were going to adopt him. I felt so bad for her that I told her she could take him. She was at my house within five minutes (she lives down the street). And who knows how long it would have taken for Sonny and Bogart to adjust to each other. It seemed like the best thing for Sonny was for him to be with the people who have been raising him for the last three months. He is already acclimated into their home with their dog and three other cats. I guess it took Sonny being gone for two days for them to realized how much they bonded with him. Yay for Sonny! He found his forever home and Bogart is way more relaxed now, too. Maybe I was mistaken thinking that Bogart was bored and in need of a cat friend. Maybe it's just his laid back personality and all he's been through the last few months. I think I will devote my time solely to him for the next few weeks and see how things go once his meds are done.

Cats are funny. You never can tell how they'll react. I wanted a young buddy for Jean Claude (that was before our vet strongly advised against bringing a shelter cat into the house because of the AIDS issue), but he had a cow when a little neighborhood cat jumped up on our windowsill once. His tail stayed all puffed up for hours! It was hilarious!
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Just took these pics of Sirius (first pic) and Near (second pic)
And also a pic of my (surprise!) bunny, Rose.. Such a manly name, right?
He has been warming up to us lately :)He doesn't run away or hide as much.
The only thing is, he's also been getting worse with going in the litterbox.
He used to be good at going in one corner, but I'm finding more and more stray poops. :/

