"Yes this is Charlotte speaking, yes the hoomans are gone"
Santa (top) Charlotte (bottom)
Jumbo Tiger trying to steal my boot
Mini Tiger got huge
Santa looking out the window. Yes those are Earth Balance Cheddar Squares
French fry eating kitty lol
This is Nick right before he died at the vet. He had a bad mouth infection that wouldn't go away with medication, and the vet tried to clean his mouth of it but it involved sedation. His body wasn't strong enough to survive it

He also had one of his incisor teeth pulled a week before that.
I had a strong feeling he wouldn't make it, especially from the weight loss. but I thought it was the best chance he had. Vet only charged for sedation
Me hand feeding Nick to try to help him eat after surgery
Jack was very interested in taking Nick's medicine away from me, sometimes they'd even steal the syringes. I teased him a little here. Heh. Now he's on medicine too, because he just got neutered
This is the paw print they made for me
This was right before Nick got sick with a mouth infection. I made vegan cupcakes and decided to share 1 with the rats

He was sick with a uri, though
I really like this pose.. Santa
Pre-neuter picture. On the way to the vet to get 3 boys fixed at $80 per neuter. Usually it's 200 per rat! I didn't tell them that, though

Didn't want Arlington Heights to happen all over again, haha. They originally charged $45 per neuter and now they are charging $175, at least that's what I was quoted last time I called. I like to neuter rats because it helps with aggression, but $200 is just too expensive for an optional surgery, imo. I would consider spaying very important because of the tumor risk without spaying. It's either that or she will have a high chance of developing 3+ tumors in her life time.
Post neuter. Was told to restrict them to 1 floor and separate them from Charlotte, the spayed girl. So I did. Jack and Santa, the youngsters are healing fine.. but Tiger not so much. He should be fine in a week or two. I even had the vet look at him real quick just to be sure, and he said he'll be alright. That's the one thing I really love about living here, the vet. He is amazing.