Such a sweetie! I have sheets and blankets strewn all over my house to protect the furniture. If I had decent vacuum I might not mind the cat hair so much so the coverings help a lot. A quick spin in the dryer with a dryer sheet removes most of the hair before washing.View attachment 11293
Theo chilling next to me on the couch. Blankets are there so he won't claw, lol. I adore my little love bug!
View attachment 11293
Theo chilling next to me on the couch. Blankets are there so he won't claw, lol. I adore my little love bug!
A he.She is gorgeous or is it a he ?
My Blake LOVES things that crinkle. Some of his favorite toys are crinkly foil balls, mice with a crinkly layer inside and this cloth bag cat toy called a crinkle sack he can crawl into, knead, chew and nest in to his heart's content.And I can't throw out the brown paper, either, because they love the crunchy sound it makes when they jump all over it.
There is no better cat trap known to man.Hah so here was a box I was about to use for packing and look who decided to occupy