Pictures of Your Animal Family

He had just woken up.

That's a face that says: "Don't talk to me until I've had my morning cup of coffee."
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BP had company today...some family came to meet him for the first time! He decided he liked my cousin's purse and actually tried to get in it as best he could but he didn't quite fit. That's my aunt and her cane in the picture with him, lol. Afterwards, he was all tuckered out from all of the attention.
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I think BP is Milo's long-lost cousin! They do the same things when people are over. Milo loves the attention. BP is SO floofy and adorable. <3
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Ebbie (the black Labrador) and Noshie (I cba with remembering how to spell her name correctly so I'm just using the phonetic spelling from now on :p ) up the garden about 15 minutes ago. They weren't very happy with me because I woke them up and got them to go out so I could take photos of them. :D

Some more photos I've found:



That's Ebbie when she was about a year old. She's now three.
Just realised that I really need to tidy up Noshie's face. She's fine with being groomed, she just doesn't like her face being trimmed (and who would really like scissors going near their eyes anyway? :p ).
So it's very difficult to get the hair around her eyes even.

Got to do it though. Otherwise she'll end up looking like B did (he hated his face being trimmed so much that we stopped doing it. )

That's a face that says: "Don't talk to me until I've had my morning cup of coffee."

Hehe. He's not too bad. He's just the biggest love and he's always happy to greet you if he hasn't seen you in a while. He showed up at our house back in October, we fed him and he was living on our big front porch for a couple weeks while we figured out what to do with him. Once we'd taken him to the vet to make sure he checked out ok, we moved him in the next day. So he went from this:

(taken oct. 27th a couple days before we took him to the vet)

to this (oct 31st - the day after the vet, i wanted to make sure we could bring him inside because of the craziness of halloween):

So yeah, he had NO trouble adjusting and fitting in. yeesh. lol