Post something cool from the Internet -2018

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^ :eek:

I think/hope it must be different in the UK. I've tried to call up and get access to my husband's account (I think it was the electricity account as I forgot to get my name added) and they refused to give me any information until he contacted them himself.
We have something even worse going on in California right now. A small non-profit group just got approval from the court to have access to the school files of all 10 million children, from 2008 to present, (kindergarten through high school) including their names, addresses, social security numbers, phone numbers, medical records, school reports, disciplinary actions, etc. Their reason? They claim they want to make sure disabled children had access to disabled programs.
We have something even worse going on in California right now. A small non-profit group just got approval from the court to have access to the school files of all 10 million children, from 2008 to present, (kindergarten through high school) including their names, addresses, social security numbers, phone numbers, medical records, school reports, disciplinary actions, etc. Their reason? They claim they want to make sure disabled children had access to disabled programs.
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