Post Something Cool From The Internet

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I looked it up because I thought it might be fake news.
I don't know .... if you are going to make up a story - maybe something more embarrassing. but maybe that will be next week's story.
I think some lawyers might be rubbing their hands together, depending on the laws of the country With litigation against those who make intentional false allegations or misrepresent so-called facts.
I think some lawyers might be rubbing their hands together, depending on the laws of the country With litigation against those who make
They might be rubbing their hand together or rubbing something else. but here in the US speech is protected. Libel and defamation are very hard to prove. And public figures have very little protection.

However there are always work arounds and stuff if you have good lawyers and enough money.

As far as Zuckerberg goes. I'm not sure if this stuff is irony or poetic justice .
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I just did a Google news search on Zuckerberg, and there's nothing about his death- but a LOT of criticism about how he runs (ran?) his websites. I don't frequent Facebook, let alone have an account there, so I'm only peripherally aware of him; I decided I was spending an unhealthy amount of time on-line.
I would not invest in this. it does not seem like it would work. I'm not very good at physics but can't see how this could be possible.
Oh I don’t think you are alone there Lou
He reckons it’s all go on the 10 Feb this month… we will see.
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